spell cat

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spell cat
Post # 1
Dose anyone know what can be done with a my kitty's whiskers that I find? I would like to learn more about cat magic and familiars.
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Re: spell cat
Post # 2
cat whiskers are there so the cat can have balance... with out them they cat can't even walk or run... it can't even land on its feet!
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Re: spell cat
Post # 3
My cat and familiar has no wiskers, and he is fine, so everything you just said is very much false ^_^ Don't say somthing that can misslead a person! :D Blessed Be!
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Re: spell cat
Post # 4
I did not take the whiskers off the cat, I find them laying around the house. If cats use whiskers for balance, then maybe a whisker in a balance spell. I read in a cat book that cats can sense air pressure change with their whiskers, so maybe I should add a cat whiskers to my smudge fan.
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Re: spell cat
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
You have the right idea. What ever you feel the wiskers can help in then put them in your spell. You can also use them in magic you would do on your cat, like a protection spell.
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