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Post # 1
ugh can anyoen pelase help me to tell witchraft isn't satans power? it's stuopdi realy i need help he's getitng on my bnerves but i want to tell him satan doens't exist!
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Re: satan
Post # 2
There are many magical/magickal/magikal traditions. While even some Satanists don't believe in Satan, some still do. What is one's tradition, may not be the tradition of another. And who's place is it to say who's right and who's wrong. All of us do magick that works, wherever we may recieve our power from. So one's opinion does not have to be that of another.
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Re: satan
Post # 3
I believe, in a way Satan does exist but the idea of magick has been around much longer than the idea of Satan. If Satan does exist he's probably like a thoughtform, I mean people think about him a lot so it's possible.
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Re: satan
Post # 4
well the truth behind all gods for all of this is they change from time to time and new ones have been created and added, you start off with the mother who had children who needed controling so on and so forth then with the different times and differntial parts of the world so forth.

paticulalry at one time in the world there were 50 Apollo's although they were not all Apollo himself of the Romans. So somewhere in the time line Satan came into existance.
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Re: satan
Post # 5
thanks this means laot to me ti's stupid cause i hate it when pepoel say this is the one ture religon. chrisi9tnay has cuased alot of more damge then good. it saddens me. cuase i don't know waht's ture or nto but witchraft orgianted 2500000 bc(ro soemtihng like that) wwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy beofre chrisinaty wase even tohugh up. and hwy the hell woudl "god" not wnat us to heal bless other pepole? thank you ^_^ oh i know satan sorta exists but tha'tss form the thoguh forms of pepole.
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Re: satan
Post # 6
magic comes from the earth and us. other deities help with magic too. Satanist use Satans help with witchcraft (remember Satanism is not Christianity...they believe that Satan is good and helpful). Most Pagans and witches dont worship or believe in Satan as a deity though. It's for you to deside yourself what you believe in. There are no two witches exactly a like.
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Re: satan
Post # 7
FOR YOUR FREAKIN INFORMATION! Satanism is not as old as christianity.the actual name satan comes from the holy bible. the religion satanism was not created until about 1000 years ago and the worship of god the father not jesus christ has been around sence before recorded time.chrisians beleive that jesus, god, and the holy spirit are 1 in the same (holy trinity). Satanism is the exact opposite of what christians beleive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!now magick its self has not been around for as long as u all think. the earlyestforms of magick wasnt what we do now.the earlyest formswere done by shamanists and they prayed to the greats spirits for guidanceand healing..they were simply tools for their dieties.AND SATAN IS LIVING PROOF THAT CHRISTIANITY IS REAL CUZ THE CONCEPT OF SATAN WAS CREATED BY CHRISTIANS. juss thaught i would let u all know.
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Re: satan
Post # 8
dude like i don't believe in satan but i think you need to let your friend decide wheather he believes in satan or not. i don know if thats the right wheather/weather. lol its confusing!
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Re: satan
Post # 9
i completely agree but like i said u cant have one without the other.
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Re: satan
Post # 10
It's just Christianity's scapegoat.. ignore those misguided Christians who say magick is for satan worshippers...
Anything that doesn't seem right to Christians, they ALWAYS blame it on satan and the devil..
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