For new members

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Re: For new members
Post # 51
Well I have never cast a love spell, but I do know that when trying to manipulate a person's love, it may only last temporary. But if done then there's a possibility that it will end on its own. We all have free wills and if the intent to end, then so be it. Will it and it will happen.

Re: For new members
Post # 52
Hello everyone, i am new here and I would love to learn and meet with those willing to help me do so. Best wishesto you all

Re: For new members
Post # 53
Hi Widdica

My intentions are good intentions, you see my boyfriend never trusted me because of his ex lying and cheating, we enjoyed spending time with each other. I never lied to him but he said I was lying.

I don't like messing with free will either, so I am casting a spell to make him naturally fall in love with me, and help him trust me.

Re: For new members
Post # 54
PLEASE how does magic oparates without casting spells?

Re: For new members
Post # 55
PLEASE am called Charmy please i wish to know how magic can oparates without casting spells?is it like you just say "i wish to make a heavey storm to bring down a tree" and it works?

Re: For new members
Post # 56

No offense Charmy, but I've been doing this for like four days and I'm certain that's not how it works.

Re: For new members
By: / Novice
Post # 57

Charmy, magick is about intent and energy manipultion, you don't need a spell to create a magickal response, but there are some things that are simply impossible, and bringing a storm to take down a tree is one of those things.

Re: For new members
Post # 58
Hi, I'm new to Wicca but I've done spells before. Do I need to invoke a god, goddess, or spirit for the purpose of a spell? Like if I were doing a fire spell I could use the energies of Apollo, but is that necessary to do? I've had trouble making my own spells

Re: For new members
Post # 59
My name is Samantha. I am new. What material,books and other sources of information, would you suggest ,for someone new to spell casting and magick. I was also hoping ,that after a while of practicing my craft, a covern,would allow me join. Blessed be

Re: For new members
Post # 60
Emelius: The use of magic is not restricted to the evocation of any deities or spirits. Doing so is a matter if choice and belief. Being Wiccan, you may want to look into what the religion teaches about evocation of deities other than the Lady and Lord. Not being Wiccan myself, I can offer no insight to that religion.

Samantha: Lark will frequently suggest a list of books for people just starting out. They include the following:

"Before You Cast a Spell" by Carl McColman

"Spells and How They Work" by Janet and Stewart Farrar

"The Veil's Edge" by Willow Polson

"Modern Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig

I certainly can't make better recommendations at the moment.

As for some other information, there are some starting points in the General Info section of the forums, namely "Starting out," and "The Basics Expanded," which have a lot of good information.

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