Remove a pedophile

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Re: Remove a pedophile
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Do you have children in your home? Generally the parole restrictions on pedophiles include a restriction of being anywhere near young children. You might check with his parole officer on this. If he's violating his parole they will put himk back in prison.

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Re: Remove a pedophile
Post # 3
Also keeping record of his harrising you or others, call police even if it is several times. Keep them noted. As well as if you are afraid of a break in. Change locks. You can use a lawyer to make it faster or if you are in immediate danger you can ask for a an immideite one which is temporary to keep the person away from you legally.
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Re: Remove a pedophile
Post # 4
Where are you from? The laws on things like this differ depending on the country you live in. In the UK, it is against the law to place a sex offender in a property if all the residents are not comfortable with it, especially if there are children in the property. If all the residents complain, the landlord (if it's a private landlord) can legally evict this person. As Lark said, if there are any parole violations he can go back into prison. The parole officer could come once a week, month or even once every day in severe cases, so try to catch them on a visit.

Also, if the drug addict is still using the drugs and you think some can be found in his property, call the police. Explain how you fear for your safety, they might be able to get a search warrant. But there's not much you can do about the addict, unfortunately. He will probably recieve a warning, a stint in rehab or a very light punishment.

However, it is tricky because if the paedophile or drug user isn't actually causing any problems, the police could just state that they are reformed criminals and should not be discriminated upon because of their past.

In the meantime, for peace of mind you could cast a protection spell.

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Re: Remove a pedophile
Post # 5
Like said above a protection spell could work but if you want to take things into your own hands a simple curse or hex could work and if he tryes to be threatening save the message or text and try to record every call from him and video him outside your house as that's proof that he's harassing you also if he tryes any physical abuse its not iligle to do self defence
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Re: Remove a pedophile
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
Sekhmi, there is no such thing as a "parole officer" in the UK.Once an offender has left prison The Parole Board has nothing to do with it! You are thinking of a Probation Officer, and they only "monitor" an ex-offender during the licence period.
And please take note, that is EX offender! The police can only take action if another offence is committed. It is different in the USA, but that is the law in the UK.
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Re: Remove a pedophile
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
My source is The European Bill Of Human Rights.
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Re: Remove a pedophile
Post # 8

Thanks for the correction Brysing! I meant probation officer, not parole.

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Re: Remove a pedophile
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9
A restraining order does not take months when the safety of a child is involved. Take legal actions immediately, get off the internet and go to the magistrates office. As to magical solutions you may try banishing and binding spells on the individual, as well as protection for yourself and your family.
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Re: Remove a pedophile
Post # 10
Yes, please do take legal actions at once! Not a bad idea to contact a child psychologist in your area to ask for advice, either.

As a back-up, use a protection spell (choose from this site or others; they're easy to come by).

But, please make sure the child is safe!
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Re: Remove a pedophile
By: / Novice
Post # 11
In the States, it is illegal for him to come within so many hundred feet of any child. If he comes near, keep calling the police until something is done.
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