Real vs. fake spells

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Re: Real vs. fake spells
Post # 11
That statement confuses me. How can magic change something into something completely different?

Essentially spells are a form of magic. They are like wishes. However I do not agree that it is purely coincidence when they come true. Perhaps they are at times. But I do feel we effect the world around us, through our energy and thoughts when we do a spell. Just my own feelings on this.

To the original poster: To know a spell is fake, study up on magic. Spells are a combination of intent, visualization and various tools to boost what you are trying to achieve. Spells aiming to do the impossible, such as alter your dna are obvious fakes. Written poorly, sounding a bit over the top, or utilizing ingredients that have no correlation with the desired outcome -probably fakes.
It takes a while, but learning various herbs, tools, moon phases, color uses etc (part of "the basics") can help you to identify a real spell from a fake one. In learning and practicing the basics, you also gain a better understanding of how magic works, and are more prepared for casting if you choose to do so.
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Re: Real vs. fake spells
Post # 12
Well spells arent everything because they can backfire, do the opposite of what you want, or not do anything at all. Whether a spell works depends on many things, and honestly magic itself is subjective. What works for me will not work for you. But the only time you are a victim is if you do not do your research or you pay someone to do a spell for you. The point of growing and becoming stronger (in whatever you do) is by experimenting. If it fails, keep trying and learn what YOU are good at.

As stated before, spells are like prayers. Not every spell will be answered.
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Re: Real vs. fake spells
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13
Ere, Witchcraft/Magic is exactly what I have said. There are two types of Witchcraft/Magic, "natural" and "applied". A caterpillar changes into a butterfly; that's natural magic. Changing Willow bark and Meadowsweet into salacylic acid (Aspirin) is applied magic.
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Re: Real vs. fake spells
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 14
Let me try to make that clearer.
In ancient times the witches were great healers.In remote areas. all over the world,witches were the only healers! And all over the world, witches (under different names,of course!) sought for new treatments,new drugs,new healing powers of plants.
With modern technology and equipment, seeking new treatments is now out of the reach of witches; although we still do a lot of healing! The work that was once done by witches is now done by The Medical Profession; and they simply do not like the word witchcraft! So it is called "Medical Research", but these "researchers" are still doing the same work that was done by witches for thousands of years. Mixing compounds, and changing them into something else; a new drug. I've mentioned Aspirin.The witches did not have a name for it; but they certainly used it, for every ailment from open wounds to sore throats and headaches!
To the patient, and to the witch, it was magic! It still is!
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Re: Real vs. fake spells
Post # 15
Personally no spell is really fake or real that type of mindset can really mess with you though some spells are pretty stupid or completely defy this realities laws though for example a werewolf spell might make you act more instinctively and a vampire spell might you some psi vampire abillities there is a possibility in everything dont expect to grow fangs and claws though thats just not in your genetic code. Though like in psychological magick you can cause changes within you with those types of spells. Anyway if your question is which spells are easier and more easy to produce thatd be those luck, money etc spells though if you want something really amazing id tell you to look into hybrid psionics (which is working with energy and magick at the same time aka internal energy work fused with universal energy work) anyway thats just my thought on this but some people like to be quite ignorant even mages but never let your curiousity stop you from exploring something new just make sure your skepticism doesnt make you fail as this is observable in even hypnotics if I hypnotize you to not believe you can move a pencil you simply wont, so yeah remember all about self belief and will ;).
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Re: Real vs. fake spells
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 16
I'll say it again. Spells have nothing to do with witchcraft.
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Re: Real vs. fake spells
Post # 17


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Re: Real vs. fake spells
Post # 18
I wouldn't say their is such thing as a 'fake' spell. Although this is only my opinion. I think a spell that you choose to cast, something that really sounds true to you and right will work just fine. It's all about the intention and the energy you put into the spell and to honestly trust in the spell to work. You just have to browse around and find spells that sound good to you, maybe even do some research on ingredients (If you need any) and learn what kinds of ways you can use them to achieve your goal. Also no matter what, you're own intention and energy is a very powerful tool to cast magick.
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Re: Real vs. fake spells
Post # 19
Has anyone done the Superpowers spell and it work for them?
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Re: Real vs. fake spells
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 20

Kevin, there is no spell that will give you "super powers". That's the stuff of fantasy novels and Hollywood films, not real magic.

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