
CovenSpell Casters ► Create
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Post # 1
Anyone interested in creating a coven with me
Contact me
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Re: Create
Post # 2
You can only join a coven that already exists. We used to be able to make a coven, but I guess it took up a lot of memory or something. Hope this helps
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Re: Create
Post # 3
Okay thanx
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Re: Create
Post # 4

Creating a coven on this site will not happen, the feature has been disabled. This wasn't because of "memory", it was because the "Administrator" feels as if there is enough covens. Now, he has taken the opportunity and created the "Inactive Coven" list, accounts that are at least 3 months old, will gain the opportunity to "Apply" for one of the covens lists in that area. Again, you can only choose "one" coven to "apply" to, so make sure it counts.

Even if you have applied, all applicants are ran through Petrarca, do not harass him, otherwise you will not be concidered, even if your application is sent, doesn't mean you will get it. He views all of your history, your posts, forums, and all that good stuff. If he thinks you will make a good Priest/ess he will grant you that position. If he doesn't, don't be butthurt. Just join a coven of your interests, and work your way up. Don't break any of the site rules, and you wil be fine.

Just remember, taking care of a coven, even an online coven is hard work, you must be dedicated and willing to that coven. If you have a Priest/ess working with you, you must be able to inform her/him with any ideas or information needed to be known about your intentions whilst being a Priest/ess. It's great to be able to be on the same level as well as be able to gain ideas outside the box.

Also, even though you are a Priest/ess, doesn't mean you are always right, it means when you are wrong, you must be able to take constructive critism and be able to learn from it. Study more about different aspects, being knowledgeable doesn't mean you know it all, it means, you know the line in which your knowledge runs out. In meaning, you know when you can answer a question in certain or when you know that you don't know the answer.

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