Coven( Spell Casters )

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Coven( Spell Casters )
Post # 1
Can someone give me tips on how to do spells properly ? Mail me if you have any tips for me .
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Re: Coven( Spell Casters )
Post # 2

Well first off, learn what magic(k) is and isn't. They call these particular learnings, studying. No one that is new to magic(k) should start off learning spells, incantation, or anything that far ahead. Simply start with learning the basics, there are quite a few books that teaches you the meaning of magic(k). The first thing you should know, is, magic(k) is not an unnatural phenomenon. It's all apart of the natural order.

The major thing people need to know, especially ones that are just starting their journey, is, magic(k) can not break physical laws. Meaning, you can't change the structure of your DNA. The more common question is, can I become....? No, you can't become anything, you are human and will remain that way until the day you die. There are thousands of questions that have been asked that crosses the border of physical, like imortality, gender bending (without surgery), and stuff like that, but they are all impossible in our physical dimension.

Now, back onto the basics, learning the basics is like a training program. One you should probably do in somewhat order. Learning about energy (magic(k)) is one form of learning the basics. Another one is learning the Moon Phases, and so on, so forth. Magic(k) isn't easy, and not always simple, but if you are devouted and wanting to really know the journey you want to pursue, then please study, and continue studying, no one will ever know the full aspects of magic(k).

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Re: Coven( Spell Casters )
Post # 3
thanks for you lovely tip .
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