
Forums ► Spiritual Creatures ► Dragons

Re: Dragons
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 11

"The dragon you speak of in Norse mythology is not destroying the tree! Nidhogg is revered as the goddess of rot and her serpent children keep the tree alive. Please, do not speak of Nidhogg as a destroyer."

Nidhogg is a destroyer, and seen as one of the Rokkr (chaotic, destructive deities). Nidhogg's role is to lead to the death of Yggdrasil

Here is an article which might be of use to you:


Here is also the actual lore where Nidhogg comes from, and it explains Nidhogg's role:


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Re: Dragons
By: / Novice
Post # 12
Wow. A simple answer to a simple question, and you get that I doubt my magick? One cannot own a dragon in the physical world. This is what I took from the question asked. But did I not include that there is a practice of dragon magick? Those simple words pointed out that with more research, Olivia might have found an answer for herself. Knowledge of all the myths of the world is not necessary for my path, yet my magick and beliefs are just as strong. I do not need to question any doubt, as I have no doubt to question. My magick is real, and my spiritually is strong. That is all I have to say about this..
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Re: Dragons
Post # 13
Hi I hope I'm not indruding here, but can I join in and give my thoughts/meanings?
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Re: Dragons
Post # 14
I actually have a dragon, there are spiritual dragons are on Earth but they hide themselves. I like to think of them similar to "guardian angels" but they are actually spirit guides :) dragonfeather369 has some informational videos about them on YouTube
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Re: Dragons
Post # 15
Oi buddy. Dragons are not one to "have". A dragon is an intelligent creature and a person in his or her own right. What makes you think you can "own" one just like that? Have you got what it takes to tame and befriend one? I mean, come on! What are you even going to do with a dragon? How are you going to hide it from the government? How will you feed it? How will you make sure it doesn't torch your house? Also, I know I am sounding a bit harsh here, but truly, what I think the main reason of you not being able to connect with one of those mighty creatures is your purpose. A dragon is a living thing. You cannot simply "own" one. What kind of a dragon would connect with a person aiming to own them as a pet? Remember, dragons are wild, free creatures. They do NOT like to be "owned".
Other than that, I am very sorry I am being harsh, and I truly mean no insult or offense, but really, sort out your purpose for befriending a dragon before you try.
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Re: Dragons
By: / Novice
Post # 16
There's a Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis , but I think they're endangered so it'll illegal to keep one just because you think it would be cool. Or, like, people on Komodo Island are sometimes in danger from them.

There's also Physignathus cocincinus , but that's just a lizard. So is the Komodo dragon, actually.

There are a few more, I'm sure.

If you mean astral plane stuff…I don't know. It's like I have experiences like that (with dragons) but I don't really have experiences with that (again dragons), because the astral is just a...very silly place.
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Re: Dragons
Post # 17
Contrary to popular belief, even a Christian can have a spiritual dragon, and take an interest into dragons themselves. Most associate them with the devil, but some forget the celts' alliance with dragons, and the fact that although the devil can take the form of a dragon, he can also take up the shape of a human, his only true form a serpent, if you follow the bible, of course. Dragons are a natural part of this world, just like us humans, and like us, wield the ability to be good or "evil". The dragon you want is possible spiritually, be physically, you would have to be at the highest skill of magic, physical fitness and mental wellness just to survive the attempt, let alone actually tame a dragon. to break a dragon would be as if breaking a human, depending on its age, or even something smarter. Of course, you would have to find it first, and although dragon hunting hasn't happened in forever, due to lack of common belief in dragons, it would still be a difficult task.
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Re: Dragons
Post # 18
I agree with white raven, especially on your point about not viewing deities as "real", but I can see how it is easy to make this mistake.
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Re: Dragons
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 19

Dragons are not a part of Celtic belief. At least they don't show up in what little we have of Celtic mythology.

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Re: Dragons
By: / Novice
Post # 20
There's this article I read about the Fianna being associated with dragons, but that seems to be conflated with serpents:

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