
Forums ► Spiritual Creatures ► Dragons

Re: Dragons
Post # 11
what i think you mean is your dragon guardian/companion dragon they are like spirit guardians. they see something in you they like and help you along your path of magick.
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Re: Dragons
Post # 12
Precisely, a dragon is a spirit (energy), it probably would be impossible to summon a dragon in physical form, but you can find them in the astral plane, if you don't understand how to get there, there is plenty of info here and on other sites. Good luck, blessed be.
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Re: Dragons
Post # 13
If you can see into a different realm, you can see them if they are around. I've had a little black dragon around me for years, I can summon him to do things to help me and he's very good. He has a reddish friend (for lack of better word) that began accompanying him a few yeas back. The black one doesn't look like your typical dragon that we know today. He's thin and not long. I don't know why they would be around, but they seem to be.
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Re: Dragons
By: / Novice
Post # 14
@ Guidance, sometimes dragons travel from the astral to the physical just as we travel to the astral. [they'd be more like spirits] there are many reasons why one would follow you, they might like your company, feel your energy, wish to help you, you summoned one, so on. dragons come from different cultures, in all shapes and sizes, so its not surprising you met one that doesn't look like your typical European Dragon.
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