What is Magick?

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Re: What is Magick?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Magic (without the K!) is changing one or more things into something entirely different.That's my opinion!
The K at the end of magic was one of the pretensions of Aleister Crowley. The word is Magic, not Magick!
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Re: What is Magick?
Post # 3
I like your post, but Bryson brought up a valid point. Aleister crowley introduced us to the term, Magick with the ''K''. Which in recent years, is now seen being used in the so called, ''occult'', or ''wiccan'' books. Thus this can truly give difference of concepts, often leading ''magic'' the initial word, to be seen as not, correct, or lately in a few books, ''magic, the word is something that, a acting magician whom, uses cards, and tricks, is referred too'' But in reality magic is the workings of the art, craft, and the old ways. Magic(k) has been lately adapted, and now stand for the craft.

There was a few posts on this, stating from the works of magic, and definations. Good post overall however.
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Re: What is Magick?
Post # 4
Thanks Eyes.

And Brysing, thanks for letting me know! I've always called it magick because I think magic without the "k" makes me think of Hollywood mumbo jumbo.

Also, like I said, these are my personal opinions but criticism is always welcome. Makes me think. ;)
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Re: What is Magick?
Post # 5
I would say that magic is using a finer = nonphysical forces of nature
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Re: What is Magick?
Post # 6
Lump, that sounds a lot like energy but I don't think you mean that. Care to enlighten me? :)
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Re: What is Magick?
Post # 7
It is easy to understand. There is not only this physical world.
There is an Astral plane, a Mental plane and some others. Like finer worlds. Only as an example. In various texts are given different names.
And magick is using powers those finer worlds.
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Re: What is Magick?
Post # 8
Ahh. Wasn't sure. I've heard of the astral plane but as I don't know much I can't really say I agree or disagree.
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Re: What is Magick?
Post # 9
"Spiritual" worlds (plains) coul people recognise through meditation and similar techniques.
Every being has this earthly body, the astral, mental, ..and so on. And the finer body acts on the finer levels. This is the essence of magick.
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Re: What is Magick?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
Lumpino, that's only your opinion.
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Re: What is Magick?
Post # 11
It is only opinion. Yes, thats true. But, not only mine. :-)
See Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon, books by Stanislas de Guaita, Gnostic texts about psychical and spiritual body and many other texts.
Or something about is here.
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