First time meditating

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First time meditating
Post # 1
Only a couple minutes ago I meditated and saw some weird things while I was meditating. Remember I saw this while I was meditating, I was laying down on a wooden board in a pile of snow which was right next to a hotel room. Across from me there was a parking lot, Across the parking lot was a forest. I was suddenly in the forest brushing dead twigs aside and at the end of the forest there was something dark , I reached out to touch it and then something grabbed my hand. I'm not sure if this is wierd or not because this is the first time I've meditated
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Re: First time meditating
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Not too weird. While one's first impulse is probably to want to believe it is a vision or something else of spiritual significance, odds are it was likely a very vivid bout of day dreaming combined with the placebo-effect of expecting (or perhaps even wanting) something like this to happen. When we meditate both the mind and the body start fidgeting and creating distraction, begging for the attention that meditation takes from them. It is not at all uncommon for someone new to meditation to have vivid day dreams, hear music in their head, or have their mind constantly jabbering on with a play-by-play recounting of their attempts to meditate. It really is the mental equivalent of how as soon as you decide to meditate your body gets uncomfortable or you suddenly start having itches. With continued practice this should no longer be an issue.
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Re: First time meditating
Post # 3
Thank you
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