
CovenSpell Casters ► Elements
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Post # 1
Can I control elements? I'm very new but very eager to start ^w^ I would love some help or advice!
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Re: Elements
By: / Novice
Post # 2
No. You work with the elements, you don't control the elements.
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Re: Elements
Post # 3

I am agree with Neko,you can't control the elements.This idea of "control the elements" is from TV series,movies,fantasy books etc.
However you can work with an element or one,this depends on you.

The Elements define all that exists within this world.They are aspects of emotion,too.

You must know,you don't have an element,you are all the elements.However you can feel connected to one more then others.

You can't cast a rain spell for example on the desert and expect to rain but is possible to cast a rain spell on an autumn day and expect to rain.
Sometimes,it is a coincidence.

As a beginner I suggest you to look here: http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=548077

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Re: Elements
Post # 4
I agree,you can link and connect with the elements but you cannot control them physically although its possible to control them Astrally
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Re: Elements
Post # 5
How do I even know which element I connect most with? I'm new and I would like to know how I can connect with the elements and work with them.
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Re: Elements
By: / Novice
Post # 6

There are activities you can do to connect with the elements [Like a barefoot walk in the grass for earth or meditating in front of a candle for fire] poke around and find ways you can connest more with them. Elements have different activities, directions, tools, chakras and emotions they rule over [among others] there are a few ways to see which you are closer, but you should feel connected to an element, like you feel at peace when sitting outside, or playing a wood wind instrument, or swimming, or sitting in the sun. We all have parts of the elements inside, some are just more one than another.
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Re: Elements
By: / Novice
Post # 7

There are activities you can do to connect with the elements [Like a barefoot walk in the grass for earth or meditating in front of a candle for fire] poke around and find ways you can connest more with them. Elements have different activities, directions, tools, chakras and emotions they rule over [among others] there are a few ways to see which you are closer, but you should feel connected to an element, like you feel at peace when sitting outside, or playing a wood wind instrument, or swimming, or sitting in the sun. We all have parts of the elements inside, some are just more one than another.
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Re: Elements
By: / Novice
Post # 8
[Sorry, don't know why my post turned out like that, The link is to thewhitegoddess.co.UK]

There are activities you can do to connect with the elements [Like a barefoot walk in the grass for earth or meditating in front of a candle for fire] poke around and find ways you can connest more with them. Elements have different activities, directions, tools, chakras and emotions they rule over [among others] there are a few ways to see which you are closer, but you should feel connected to an element, like you feel at peace when sitting outside, or playing a wood wind instrument, or swimming, or sitting in the sun. We all have parts of the elements inside, some are just more one than another.

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