
CovenSpell Casters ► vampires?
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Post # 1
Does anyone know where i can find one?or know one i can sorry if i sound stupid but iv been on this for two years and subscribed i think last year...and im 14....a freshy so no time really..but im trying really hard and its not working...PLEASE...I need help
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Re: vampires?
Post # 2
oh...okay...sorry if my stupidity wasted your just new at this and trying to manage school and wicca...
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Re: vampires?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
There are no physical blood sucking vampires. There are people who dress and live like vampires, they are called Sanguine, but they are humans. Psi vampires are the ones you will more likely bump into, but they are not like the movies. Psi vampires drain energy, making them hyper and their victim tired, until they learn to control this, its accidental because they get low on energy so they unknowingly drain the energy of the nearest living thing.

You say you juggle school and Wicca which is tough. I started my studies in high school, it wasn't tough, I found it easier than today, and I held a B average. You need to get into a routine. Meditate before going to bed, or after waking up [whichevers easier] take an hour out of tv or internet time to work on your craft, and on Sabbats and Esbats, tell your friends you have plans, and have a circle after dinner/before bed. If you have something like a spare class or lunch alone, you can study then as well.
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Re: vampires?
Post # 4
Actually nekoshema a sangunarian is a medically diseased person. A sanguine is a person who has a load of nonsense in them.
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