Never made an introductio

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Re: Never made an introductio
Post # 11
Listen here... I have seen my stuff work
I am actually a pyrokenetic. I turned the stove on without touching it. It's one of those gas powered stoves so i could SEE the flames I was also able to flicker them on and off...

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Re: Never made an introductio
Post # 12
know ones realy givin any advice on how u begin and what u should realy do,i live in a modern home with alot of modern ppl etc.... here s not lots of deferent candle s and the stuff one should use to do magick,and as for what i know,im the only one in this town thats tryin and believes in it,so noone can help me thats y i turned to the internet,
it looks to me like ppl does nt understand the meaning of beginer,
it means that the person knows nothin,and need more detail
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Re: Never made an introductio
Post # 13
heh heh charl sounds like they've got it right.... tee hee dude seriously, a lot of thigns happen to those who are even interested in magic.... im alone in my neighborhood too, and i started off much faster and have gotten much more accomplished in my days than most other spellcasters.... this runs in my blood, im a natural and usually naturals don't care for magic these days that's why very few people actually claim to have seen their magic work, because very few have enough energy and power to do so at an earlier age like young-adult hood..... i remeber i first got into it because i dreamt of my momdeciding to become a teacher, 2 years later she was walking down the college isle with a black cap on and a long dark blue cloak with a masters in education...... it goes different ways for different people....................
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Re: Never made an introductio
Post # 14
"Where did you all start off? I've been doing meditation for my whole life and it takes a long time to easily go into meditation.
I am curious about this, but I also look at a lot of this as excuses to further your religion. "

---I've always practiced meditation. It does get easier with practice, but you may want to try meditating when all is quiet & still... late at night, perhaps? It takes concentration ...maybe start in a lustral bath to clear your mind & relax the body...?

"You guys said you have "faith" in your spells.
'2 belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact. '"

---I affirm my spells that they are already working when casting...Being a person short on time, I choose to not waste it on things that do not directly benefit me... some spells may take more time than others & the ones that do not work were things that cannot be attained by myself at that time...You just have to come to grips with it.

"Wouldn't that mean you guys have never seen any of your "Magick" work on anything? I personally do not believe in Fireballs or hex spells or most healing or necromancy spells. It may be possible for such as energy manipulation and different forms of meditation and perhaps levitation. "

---I have seen almost all of my spells work. I have tried a levitation spell & indeed that one worked, too.

"So what is it? Only 'certain' people can see even a little bit of this "Magick" or can anyone do it if they cast their doubt aside and take little steps?"

---As stated earlier, anyone can perform magick... But be real with yourself in whether or not you believe what spell you cast is going to work.
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Re: Never made an introductio
Post # 15
I welcome you, but now I must criticize your philosophy with more philosophy.

I quote the famous Shakespeare, "To be, or not to be? That is the question."

Magick is real, or magick is not real?

When we use spells, we are mentally communicating with the Earth and elements around us. When we have faith, or to believe in, our spells mentally, those spells obviously get stronger. We have the power to control anything really; maybe out Earth's orbit? Maybe how much water on Earth? Who knows.

Life is full of possibilities, and some things can't be explained. For this, there is magick. For other things, there are many other explanations.

Well, most people can see magick since they have opened their Third Eye, but to my belief, I have found a Fourth Eye. This eye not only sees all paranormality and all auras and such, but it's the eye to see feelings and communicative gestures amongst plants and animals. This Fourth Eye is the ability to almost control the world. But this also concludes to the Fifth Eye, though it doesn't seem quite possible, I am still to believe it is. The fifth eye is for more of a controllable ideal, to control the universe if I must; you can cast all pollution out off our Earth and even force the moon to turn faster for an eclipse. But for this reason, and I believe this is the last, there is a Sixth Eye; now the power to COMPLETELY control all that is. Control the Sun's placement, move stars around, and even control other beings from anywhere, with just simply wanting to.

Everything has a possibility, and even for all we know there could be more things on here on Earth. Much more than mermaids and vampires and witches... so much more than we could ever possibly know...

Criticizing with philosophy... ... ... how tacky...
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Re: Never made an introductio
Post # 16
"Its easy once you've found the flow", i belive this. In fact this is how i live my life, i may be a hot headed pyro but occasionally ill join my hydro friend and just go with the flow and ive found so much through this. It's amazing at how much power we are capable of.... it's all in the energy though..... most pg our lives are lived in the astral world, in other words dreaming..... there is no reason not to believe that we can supposedly open the 'sixth eye' but think about it seriously, do humans these even have the time and energy to find something that hasn't been there their whole lives, the question is "why look for it?"

It's diificult to explain my opinion on the matter because i tend to write in stream of conscienceness.... so here it goes

I'm a woman of many words, I'm intricate and missunderstood, though the reasoning for this is not that I'm difficult to figure out, it's that many people these days wish to know without learning.... therefor they push themselves harder and harder every day to keep up with what they don't understand, rushing to own what they haven't deserved making themselve and all arround them exausted and disconnected with the unknown.....

Being unaware of what they don't know of makes it difficult for the human brain to open up to what this is they don't know.... i agree with what was said on the show "boondocks" by some guy i can't recall whose name but here is what he spoke of...... "you can know an unknown that is unknown", simplified version is "there are known unknowns, and unknown unknowns..... unknowns we know of, and unknowns we don't know of...... we can't learn what we don't know of"..... is he right or his he right.....

Magic is ike that, if you refuse learn what you don't know and just decide to that you already know it, you're mind will never be open to its full potential................. understand? if not that's fine, I'm wierd and sometimes hard to comprehend with.........
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