Yoga Miracle

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Re: Yoga Miracle
By: / Novice
Post # 11
Not that Brysing needs defending, but he's not so bad. I have felt the sting of his responses myself, maybe its because I have some family members like him I can handle it, just shrug it off. Sometimes people snap, I can mention members who have upset me far worse than a 'they do not exist!' People will always disagree with you, a forum is an open conversation. When it boils down into a fight it is locked. From what I've seen its just a clash of views. I have had problems with mods but it was simply a matter of opinion. If you have a problem with any user that is just opinion based, move on, be the bigger person. If they mail you report it, but in this case walk away. The majority of users are young, sometimes a strong response can get though, we don't want someone getting hurt? You have made a few posts on yoga, if you don't want people disagreeing, then offer to teach through mail, less chance of arguments.
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