A.P and Piercings

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Re: A.P and Piercings
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
It is always recommended to remove metals objetcs or everything that could "interfere" in this process. About the tingles, I don't use anything in metal, or have something in my body, but this usually happens to me (not really often). As I know, these effects happens when the "energic body" is trying to move / separate of the human body, in other words, is just a result of the energy floating around / inside our body.
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Re: A.P and Piercings
Post # 3
Ok, so I have an alternative. I will permantly remove my tongue and ear piercing. My bellypiercing, on the other hand, is my favourite. So maybe if feed piece of natural hemp twine through my piercing and leave it untied. Could this help? Or should I not attempt this experiment?
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Re: A.P and Piercings
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
Why would it make any difference if she has them on or not? I've never heard of any such thing to suggest that it's preferred to not have such objects on body. I saw no difference from when i had my metal gauge and lip rings in compared to not having them in. It's all in what the person does when making their attempt (with or without success). Sure, if you're wearing articles that are distracting or uncomfortable, you may want to consider something more comfortable; or nothing at all - if that works for you.
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Re: A.P and Piercings
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
I agree with Vanity's Fire. I have no piercings myself, but I don't see why'd they'd cause a problem. If they were Iron, maybe, it tends to ground, but steel? Or Silver? If anything Silver should ENHANCE the experience, due to it's own mystical properties.
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Re: A.P and Piercings
Post # 6
Great advice everyone! Thank you. I have decided to try astralptojecting with them in (they are silver). Maybe it was my technique :) ill keep practicing!
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Re: A.P and Piercings
Post # 7
I know I'm late on this topic but silver is said to ward off evil spirits. So maybe what is happening is your silver is reacting to negative energies in your area and preventing you from projecting to protect your soul. I have no proof to back this up it is all just theory but maybe what I suggest is you cleanse the room you plan to project from so the silver can't react to the negative energies
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Re: A.P and Piercings
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8
Some schools of thought view various forms of metal as conductors for spiritual energies, while others can be viewed as tools for grounding (though, as metal is a strong conductor typically, the grounding possibility is somewhat more rare). As such, some people might consider piercings to have an influence on things like astral projection.

As for the tingling sensation, however, it could be from any number of possibilities. It could be a sort of awareness that comes with that heightened state of consciousness, that leaves you simply more aware of the piercings in your body on a physical level. It could be just a way that you react to the energies in question. It could just be you latching on to the physical sensation, and thus feeling a tingling of sorts as you become more grounded and come back from the efforts at projection.

So on, so forth.

I wouldn't worry overly. I've known many people who explore astral projection, and a solid majority of them have piercings of some variety. If you enjoy your piercings, I see no reason to remove them permanently.
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Re: A.P and Piercings
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 9
Oof. And then I realize I'm responding to a topic from 2014.
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Re: A.P and Piercings
Post # 10
Lol. I agree with you all. But also, each of our energy bodies react to things differently. Just how some break out if they wear fake jewelry.
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Re: A.P and Piercings
By: / Novice
Post # 11

For future reference, if anyone is worried about metal peiricings being an issue during A.P, you can buy plastic bars and studs that allow you to keep the piercing but it may not effect the process as much.

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