Are there female angels

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Re: Are there female angels
Post # 3
Thanks alpha.
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Re: Are there female angels
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
Actually, Angels are neither male nor female, but can appear as either. Michael is the only "male" angel I know about, and that was due to us males being essentially more warlike, and Michael is the patron saint of soldiers and protectors.
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Re: Are there female ange
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I watched a documentary that suggested that the popular view of angels today through Christianity was probably heavily influenced by Hellenistic deities, who were usually women portrayed with wings: Nike, goddess of victory; Psyche, goddess of love...all nine muses...

Some were guys, like in the Psyche-and-Cupid/Eros story sometimes Psyche is shown without wings and Cupid/Eros with wings. And there's winged Hermes.

In popular culture, according to the documentary, angels are female or considered "girly" because of that influence.

Really, though, according to Judaic mythology angels are either dudes or they have no gender. depends on your standpoint.
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Re: Are there female angels
Post # 6
There is actually female angels. They are not mentioned much but there are both male and female angels.
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Re: Are there female angels
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Angels are not human, were never human and are not of this worldly paradigm.

They have no gender as we know it.

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Re: Are there female angels
Post # 8

If you read Hebrew literature angels are traditionally described as androgynous or as both.

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Re: Are there female angels
By: / Novice
Post # 9
Gender is a function of sexuality and reproduction. Angels cannot reproduce; they are created.

Androginity is one way to look at at, but being asexual, in my mind is most clear. I also believe that is the hebrew perspective on it as well.

Comprising "all gender" but being "no gender" or really being "beyond" gender since reproduction is a function of life on earth not in their realm of existence.

That being said, when reading the hebrew or christian bible, there is a context. The angels that appeared to Abraham were seen as men, in the context of semitic semi nomadic society it would be impossible for a woman to appear to Abraham and ask for food and water and a place to rest. Same goes for the christian gospels. Mary would not be able to say what she said if a "female" angel appeared to her in the context of jewish society during the Roman occupation.

Angels are spiritual being and have no sexuality since there is no function for that in their they choose to appear is based on operator experience and understanding.

Despite what nonsense there is on the television about it...

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Re: Are there female angels
Post # 10
The problem is when we connect with spiritual beings, even when see things in the physical world, we are biased. Everything passes through are brains and every stimulus is clouded by our own subjective interpretation.

With spiritual beings, we will contact their essence, but also force upon this essence some of our own misconceptions and faults in perception.

The way I 'see' Raphael will not be the same you see Raphael, I know my version of Raphael is different to at least another person...

The point is, my image of Raphael is made up of his essence and my own understanding of that being, of my own judgements, and my own spiritual bias.

I personally believe angels do not have a form as we have a form, not even an energy body. They are just pure force directed by the will of god/universal will, or laws. Our limited perception merely can't handle communing with such things and so within the field of our consciousness we must give them a form with which we can communicate, or they will take a form in which they can communicate.

This may be a male, or a female, depending on your expectations, personal biases, and what form would be best for your understanding.

so there are no male and female angels. But there are angels which may be (albeit wrongly) perceived as being male or female.
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Re: Are there female angels
By: / Novice
Post # 11
You stated it much more eloquently than i ever could Hadit.

Perception of a spiritual being will be based on what the operator can understand and in their societal context. "Masculine" and "Feminine" are human attributes and denotations of being.

To get to the root of it, appearance is just that...appearance...and it is for the operators sake, not that of the entity.

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Re: Are there female angels
Post # 12
This is a question that's been up for debate for centuries. Anyone can give their opinion, but there is no clear answer. I would say yes, because I understand that angels are us before we are born and after we die. When an angel "dies" they are born here. After our death we can become angels again; or ghosts, spirits, or just hand out without dealing with humans. Demons would also be both male and female in my opinion as I believe that demons are fallen angels that will never die to come to Earth.

That said, there are some that believe that god created angels as another race all together. Some say they are asexual - either both make and female or neither. Some say they are all male or all female some say, like me, that they are a mix of both - some male some female.

I can tell you that the angels I've seen have been male, but that when I talked to my daughter before she was born - when she was an angel - she was female an had a female name. (I never saw her, I just heard her.)

So, take all of this with a grain of salt. You'll have to find out for yourself the truth of angels. I say this because just as I've had my share of experience with angels that has solidified my belief and understanding on the topic, other have as well with varying results (hence the confusion). Either I have been deceived ,or they have or there are more entities out there called angels than we know.

I hope that helps, but I'm sure it doesn't. Sorry :)
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