cursed or black magic

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cursed or black magic
Post # 1
Can someone help out here, everything
I do fails in life. I don't have a job
My marriege sucks, I don't win gambling.
I'm I cursed 2 have badluck? Can someone
Help me. My life has stalled since 2011.
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Re: cursed or black magic
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Well keep in mind life has ups and downs, so don't fall into a depression if you hit a down, this will only make it worse. Cleanse yourself and your home to wash away all built up energy. I don't know if someone cursed you, but constant negativity can breed negative energy which sticks to you like tar. Over time this negative energy will have negative effects and eventually you can curse yourself unknowingly.

There are many ways to cleanse a space/person. Sea salt in water is a type of 'holy water' that you can use to wash away negativity. Sage is also praised for its cleansing properties. Washing floors/furniture or burning sage in a room can neutralize the energy. There's also other herbs, brewer, even mirrors and symbols can be used to cleanse. Whatever method you choose, be focused, be serious, and know its working. Once you're done, protect yourself and your home. You might get rid of bugs, but leave a window open and see how long before they return. As with the cleansing you have many methods at your disposal, find one that works for you. A simple symbol with protection oil/chant hung by the entrance works wonders.

Once the energy is gone and your house/yourself is protected, charge everything with positive energy. You can ground and center yourself daily, and try to think positive. I'm not a fan of affirmations and optimists, I'm not asking you to be all smiles and sunshine. You should learn to ignore and let go. Someone cuts you off, don't get mad and grumble, its a fact of life, letting it testers will bring negative energy. Thinking 'I hate that guy' does the same thing, this time your negativity could unintentionally effect the person. Thinking 'I wish they would disappear' enough times works you up, and you could unknowingly send a curse their way [since magick is energy and intent] so instead of blaming others for rotten luck [because you could bring the negative energy back] do something about it. Try charms or spells. Keeping upbeat will bring positive energy and that can be enough to change your luck.

Just a side note about spells though, they aren't a fix all, they are there to help, but try and cast one in a moon cycle. Too many at one time can end badly. Also, staying positive and working to the spells goal will make it work. A money spell won't make it rain cash, it will make the boss take notice of you and consider you for a raise. But the raise won't happen if you laze around at work.
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Re: cursed or black magic
Post # 3
i really liked your response. i too have been going through a bit of a rough time over the past few weeks.i have been out of work for a few weeks but i started putting myself out there and applying for jobs online, this past week i have had 4 job interviews through the power of positive attitude and a few good luck wishes. thank you
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Re: cursed or black magic
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Happy to hear it, good luck to you. Blessed be.
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