
CovenSpell Casters ► powers
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Post # 1
i think i have water powers
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Re: powers
By: / Novice
Post # 2
what do you mean? the power to control water a la water bending, or similar to Elsa from Frozen is not possible. if you mean you have a strong connection with it then you might be right. please explain yourself, you don't want people assuming things.
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Re: powers
Post # 3
It's not like a movie I'm for real
I have like a bond with the water if u get the point
That's what I meant
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Re: powers
Post # 4
If you feel like you have a bond, you could try working with elemental magick specifically aimed towards water-related practices. Water is the element of emotion, it's a very lax sign and is known to easily adjust. If water calls to you then you can either identify with water or you may have some qualities to learn from it.

I recommend meditating a little on the element, as well as spending time in or around water. It'll help you connect a more. You can also look around the site and see if there's a specific type of witchcraft you're interested in that's water-related. If you connect with ice you may like winter things, like using icicles in spells. There's a whole practice dedicated to sea witchery for those to connect with the ocean. Just do a little research and see what you're interested in.
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Re: powers
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Glow makes some good points. I didn't mean to offend you, I was pointing out people would get the wrong impression from a blank statement. I too have a strong connection with the element of water, but I do not [and cannot] control the element. You could look into potions, that is any liquid spell [like a bath, brew, oil, even soup could be enchanted and called a potion] meditate, reflect, and look at the options you have.
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