Time Spell

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Time Spell
Post # 1
Hi, I am fairly new at casting spells. I was successfully able to cast one, but I cant get any time spells to work. I follow precisely what to do, but it still doesn't work. Is there something I am doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Time Spell
Post # 2

That's because those type of spells are fake. You can't change or manipulate time with magic.

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Re: Time Spell
By: / Novice
Post # 3
There are certain spells that don't work, but people who don't understand magick post them on the site. Time spells [slow time down, speed time up, or travel through it] do not work for various reasons. Time is linear, we can only go forward. Magick cannot change this fact of life sadly. The closest to time travel is past life regression which is spiritual and not physical.
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Re: Time Spell
Post # 4
Thanks for telling me that... I wasted alot of time on that one and it was getting really irritable...
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