Asking for opinions

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Asking for opinions
Post # 1
So I do come from Christian back ground but the more I study and read about elementals the more curious I am . I can relate to air and water elementals in the ways that I could sit out side during a tornado and not be scared it is relaxing and calm to me as for water I could live near the lake or beach I love swimming I can get into water that's freezing and be comfortable . I do believe in god but I'm just wondering if I could be more than what I am.I often have dreams that come true and deeply feel other peoples emotions could i possibly be a healer or something of some kind ? I was planning on writing a book with Wicca and other things . I was curious about Wicca and healing and things when I was younger but never fully began to study . Can someone help me ?
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Re: Asking for opinions
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
There are many books on the subject. But one thing I would advise,do not sit in the path of a tornado! It will kill you!
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Re: Asking for opinions
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Introduce Yourself.
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