
Forums ► Spiritual Creatures ► "Otherkin"

Re: "Otherkin"
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
I see Otherkin as a cover or umbrella term. all a person has to do is feel close to the spirit in order to fit the current classification.
Otherkin don't live in the astral plane. they are real people that feel a closeness on some level with a animal on some level. A person that really loves wolves and feels drawn to them can be called Otherkin wolf the same thing applies to cats and deer and any other thing. Some people claim to be the reincarnation of cartoon animals apparently but i would think a psychological issue is at play with them.
I do think it is a off shoot of the spirit animal from native American practices.
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Re: "Otherkin"
Post # 12
Otherkin are oeople who know thier body is human but that their spirit is not.
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Re: "Otherkin"
Post # 13
Otherkin 1 basics
Some OtherKin use the symbol of the Elven or fairy star also known as a heptagram, to identify them as such.
Most Otherkin believe they are partially non-human contending they are non-human in spirit. Most believe the non-human part arose through reincarnation of a non human soul, via ancestry, or via symbolic metaphor (figure of speech asserting points of comparison between the individual and the non-human being of which they carry the characteristics of or points of comparison to another otherwise unrelated thing. While scholars have identified this group as religious, the only reason for this is based on the fact it is supported by the framework of metaphysics. (1) I would have to point out here, last I knew, Metaphysics was not a religion (this could change overtime), Otherkin belong to many different religious denominations (Christian, wicca, Luciferian etc.), and Otherkin has nothing to do with religion according to many Otherkin.
Basic Identifications

The majority of otherkin identify as being mythical creatures such as angles, demons, dragons, and aliens. Some however identify with being cartoon characters. Given many Otherkin believe in multiple or parallel universes, they are generally linked to metaphysics and use the existence of multiple universes to explain their existence. The Vampyre subculture have a relation to the otherkin community and are generally considered a part of it by many otherkin, however they have their own cultural and historically distinct movement, regardless of some of their overlapping membership. (1)
While there have been growing occasions when Otherkin have met for gatherings in the real world, the networks function is commonly considered almost entirely online with no formal structures. The focus of the online groups appear to be supporting others and gathering information on the possibilities of otherkin as well as to divide people into more specific groups based on the perceived kinship type (werewolves with werewolves elves with elves). (1) The purpose of meet up in person are similar.
Claims of otherkin;
Some otherkin such as elvenkin, make accusations that they are allergic to iron as well as products of modern technology (1), however this does not appear to hinder them in using modern day technology (computers) and there is no evidence that any of the elvenkin have anemia (iron deficiency) (Guidance). Some Otherkin state they are very in tuned with nature and empathic while others state they have the ability to change form (shapeshift) in either the mental or astral sense (no change in physical appearance).
History of Otherkin phenomena;
The Otherkin subculture first appeared in July of 1990 with a variant otherkind being reported as early as April 1990. The original term Otherkind came from the word Elfinkind which at the time referred to non-elf others who joined the communities and the Otherkind subculture grew out of this.
In February of 1995 a document titled elfin nation manifesto was posted to Usenet which included pagan and magic groups. The documentation on Usenet itself was considered to be either a troll or an attempt to frame an innocent party; however enough people contacted the author of the Eleven nation post to make a spinoff list from it.
A video game following the personal fantasy genre titled Changeling: the dreaming was first published in June 1995 and a second edition was published in August 1997 by White Wolf. One of the developers of the game, Richard E. Dansky stated after the game was released, people on the e mail list began having “a rampaging debate” regarding how the people at White Fang had gotten so much of their existence correct. This debate led to one person on the list drawing the conclusion that Dansky himself must have been a changeling. Dansky denies the thought acknowledging all information was taken from Mythology, mainly Gallic, but others as well. (1)
History of physical gatherings.
The earliest traceable gathering I was able to find was a “UK ‘Kin Gather” in the UK in 2003 and “Las Vegas gather” at a camping facility at Red Rock National Park, Las Vegas, Nevada in late October of 2003. (2)
“A Gathering Echo” is the name of an Otherkin and metaphysics gathering that began about 2006 and has been held every year in Texas over Labor Day weekend. (3)
Upcoming meet-ups for 2013 are vast. Some people have them at their homes, coffee shops, parks, campgrounds and the list can go on.
Outside view;
Onlookers of the otherkin subculture consider the believers as anything from animal-human relationship pioneers to demonstrating dysfunctional psychological processes. Some people act aggressively toward the online subculture and antagonize them while others simply don’t believe them and ignore them. (1)
While Otherkin have been called one of the world’s most bizarre subcultures and religious movements (even though it has nothing to do with religion), religious scholar Joseph P. Laycock states it is an existential social function associated with religion. It has also been stated that this culture represents the dissatisfaction with the world we live in today and people have taken fairy lore out of context (real instead of myth). (1) I must again reiterate, Otherkin is not a religion!
2) http://www.otherkin.net/community/gathers/index.html
3) http://www.meetup.com/North-Houston-Otherkin/events/55463262/
#1 I believe was wiccapedia, but this report was written several years ago.
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Re: "Otherkin"
Post # 14
They do not live on the astral. The astral is the place they can change form as it's impossible in the physical world. My thoughts on the topic are that some are truly different others want to be different and many pretend.
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Re: "Otherkin"
Post # 15
I have to disagree with otherkin being "fluff".

As mentioned above, otherkin is simply a term used for humans who feel close to something rather than "human" and relate their spirit to animals/demons/wolves/elves and etc. Their similarities can be seen in their normal daily behaviors (rather than the ones who pretend to be that way) and nothing of this topic seems unusual to me.

Let's accept that whatever we theorize doesn't have to be the same as the facts. You can't scientifically prove any of them but if you see spirits, all of them including animals and non-human ones, as simple drops of water you can understand it more.

Imagine a being (human or not) as a glass of water with millions of water drops. When death appears, the glass or corporal body breaks and the spirit goes back to the ocean of existence. Simply makes it as a whole. Now imagine another glass who is going to be born. The water that goes in that glass can have millions of different drops, some could be animals, some demons and some other things. It's a glass (a human) but different water drops. That is my opinion of reincarnation and what makes otherkin possible.

You can simply disagree with this theory but don't forget that all, including the concept of gods and other spiritual existences are just a theory and they are arguable.
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Re: "Otherkin"
Post # 16
I agree with you, Otherkin isn`t "fluff". It`s simply the way some people feel close to the spirits of non-human beings.
Well, "opinions" are not "facts" and people should know which is which. You know, just because something isn`t scientifically "proven", doesn`t make it "wrong". It`s just a possibility, a theory.
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Re: "Otherkin"
Post # 17
I look at it similar to a personality inventory. We had the original, then they had people relating to aura color now we have OtherKin. I've never seen anyone try to make a correlation between them, but I can see it.
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Re: "Otherkin"
Post # 18
Okay I am part of a therian and otherkin forum
Otherkin has many meanings. But a person claiming to be an otherkin means they have a connection spiritually or mentally with a mythical creature. For example they may have been a mythical creature in pastlife. Since otherkin has many meanings it can get confusing. But I am referring to people with the mentally or spirit of an mythical creature. A therian on the other hand is a person with a earthly animal spirit.
Some people may disagree but it's what otherkin means to me and the otherkin/therian community
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