The Third Eye

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The Third Eye
Post # 1
What exactly is the third eye and what does it do? And are there only three eyes or are there more?
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Re: The Third Eye
Post # 2
There are seven major energy centers or psychic "organs" which provides and distributes energy throughout your subtle/non-physical or "auric" body. These are called chakras.
The third eye or brow chakra is the sixth major chakra in your subtle body.
Its located at the middle of your forehead though according to some tradition its attatched to your pineal gland ( the idea is that our ancestors had an actual third eye which later evolved into our pineal gland ) .
Be that as it may, its job is to provide you with higher understanding, connect you with your higher self, help you observe aura or aid you in OBE's, clairvoyance e.t.c .
As for your last question, I don't think humans had a fourth eye, but I might be wrong.

Blessed be.
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Re: The Third Eye
Post # 3
The chakras are associated with the endocrine system, it is not that the pineal glad was an actual third eye, it is just part of the endocrine system. There is no material evidence to suggest humans had a physical third eye at all.
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Re: The Third Eye
Post # 4
Actually I did not say we had a real third eye, I said according to some traditions like theosophy.

Blessed be.
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Re: The Third Eye
Post # 5
Thank you ^.^ I understand better now. Can we feel our third eye or other chakras though?
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Re: The Third Eye
Post # 6
Oh yes. Working with them on a regular basis will surely help you better be able to feel their presence. I know my third eye aches after extended use.. Sometimes I even get headaches from it.
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Re: The Third Eye
Post # 7
That sounds painful. But thank you ^.^
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