Humans freewill

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Re: Humans freewill
Post # 11

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I like that you see a difference between ghosts and spirits, I always thought they were the same things and in my post I offered both- the spirit of a person and the memory as being possible explanations- without thinking that they could be two separate things completely.

I feel that sentence was badly worded, but in short you offered me a new thinking process.

@darkwolf, I call BS. I'm sorry that's just who I am, I'm a skeptic until I am given either experience or evidence. You appear to give neither.

Re: Humans freewill
Post # 12

This is sorta why I hate forums like this, because there are so many views on the subject. And alot of the time those differnet views caused 'fights'.

Re: Humans freewill
Post # 13
Very well i guess you'll see once you die

Re: Humans freewill
Post # 14
Unless of course the powers that be (in your worldview anyway) restrict me from seeing, due to me having no will and all...

Re: Humans freewill
Post # 15
true if you don't get you'll will back you are...lets say....controlled forever

Re: Humans freewill
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 16
darkwolf get over yourself. All your doing is looking for attention. There are people here that are trying to take this topic seriously and your two cents are nothing but wasting time. Why does it seem whenever you reply to something your trying to start fights or disagreements? If your that bored with your life you need to do this go outside and run in a circle for a couple hours maybe that will help. If not try not replying unless you really have something to say other than. "If I say it will put everyone in danger" Give me a break!

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