Locking everything in

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Re: Locking everything in
Post # 31
Fair enough. I may be wrong but I believe spirits can only be held for so long before they go back or break loose so make sure you have the tools and abilities to banish every single one should something go wrong. I wish you luck. Peace, David
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Re: Locking everything in
Post # 32
Thanks. To further explain why I am doing all this. I view all spiritual things as a science. Their are laws that must be followed even if we do not know all of them or understand the ones we do know. For instance Spirits can become bound to items. Using this knowledge I can simply take spirits already bound to an item and place them in the building. They wouldn't go to far from the item and I wouldn't really need to contain them except for keeping them in a smaller vicinity of the house. That is all pretty self explanatory. The only thing I really want to know is how to bind them to items. This way I really don't have to contain them as they couldn't go to far from said items before being forced back. This would make doing all of this far safer. Besides my main goal is to condense as much spiritual energy into a single point as possible to the point that there is enough energy that spiritual entities could possible manifest up to if not completely onto the physical plain. I know that allot of spirits can gather energy from batteries and other sources of electricity so using this I could use the spirits as a converter to convert large amounts of electricity into raw spiritual energy. I would also set up equipment to measure any energy being drained from batteries to help figure out the rate at which spirits can drain energy.
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Re: Locking everything in
Post # 33
I don't mean to criticize but 3 points of interest. 1. This sounds more Science Fiction than Science like the Matthew Lillard remake of ' 13 Ghosts ' movie. 2. Spirits are living beings. Living as energy on another plane of existance but living nonetheless. You have no right to ownership of them. Further You seem to want them as lab rats. This is unethical & against the three fold law. 3. Spirits attached to objects occurs but Ive never heard of them being bound to anything. Trying to trap a spirit is unethical as it breaks the three fold law.
Just thought someone should point that out. You seem content to harm spirits / energies / souls if it means accomplishing your goals. Another reason I would never help you on this.
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Re: Locking everything in
Post # 34
mindlesschaos is right, it would be best to just banish them, but if you tick of the spirits than your just saying, once I die I want spirits to punish me till the end of time, or shun me forever, so I would go insane
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Re: Locking everything in
Post # 35
Ya I don't really follow the 3 fold law. I don't accept any form of morality really.Morality is all based on who view it. I view what I want as good and so do many others. But allot of people view it as bad as well.In the end no one is correct. And I don't expect your help at this point. I don't fully grasp why you wish to keep telling me you will not. And while spirits are in some way "living" I have met far more crazed spirits with no real sentience what so ever so I would prefer to use those before any others. And I would very much appreciate moving this post back to what it was originally about. Raw information. I am not here to debate morals and peoples perception of reality. If you would like to I would have no problem doing so in a message. And I remember that movie Choas and while it would be convenient if I could have a house that way the goal of the main antagonist in that movie is no where near my own. And it is the fact that spirits can become attached to items that I know they can be bound. I suppose to me they are the same thing just bound being more of forced then natural.
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Re: Locking everything in
Post # 36
You may not believe in morals or the three fold law, but the science is the same. For every force their is an equal and opposite force. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So your belief aside, if you harm anything or anyone through your actions, the cosmos will hold you accountable. You are the starting point. It will come back to you. You have already stated you do not care, so I leave you to your own devices. Peace.
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Re: Locking everything in
Post # 37
Ya i will accept whatever the universe has to throw at me. later
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