God of Christianity

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Re: God of Christianity
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
What you say is true,CatPhoenix. But also we have to point new members, or young members, in the right direction. We must try to stop members trying to be what cannot be! Such as wanting to grow wings,or become a mermaid.
As I have said, Christians worship Jesus as God made Man; Wiccans do not. So the two religions are not compatible.
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Re: God of Christianity
Post # 12
I understand, there is a point where we need to stop the misconceptions somehow.
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Re: God of Christianity
Post # 13
Christian Wiccan = Not possible (2 different faiths)
Christian Witch = possible (Faith and practice)
Jewish Wiccan = possible (YHWH and Shekhinah as Patron and Matron)
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