The charm lamp

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Re: The charm lamp
Post # 11
I would think ritual items should be kept on the Pe or altar to cook or absorb the energy of the work, in Voodoo there is a distinction between mundane and spiritual forces, that your practice should be kept from your everyday mundane life. Not to say that you shouldnt do a little something everyday to celebrate the Lwa, but that the Lamp probably shouldnt sit on the same counter as your dishes
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Re: The charm lamp
Post # 12
I wonder, has anyone made a lamp according to the direction in Milos' book?
I ask because the thing which occurs to me when reading his book is how can a sheep brain fit into half a coconut shell.
Even if one was to squash the brain and other ingredients into half a coconut shell, there would be no way of covering it with oil to a depth where a wick could be sunk, ignited and left to burn.
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