I NEED a Mentor!

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I NEED a Mentor!
Post # 1
Hey so the title kind of explains itself. I need a mentor who knows something about any of the following; shape-shifting, summoning pet dragons, telepathically communicating with animals, the fire element, or the ice element (my friend said this counted as an element, but it's really just water, right?). If you could mentor me, please let me know either in the comments or mail me. Also, don't even think about telling me I should teach myself, I need someone who knows SOMETHING! Thanks for your time! ;)
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Re: I NEED a Mentor!
Post # 2
i know a little bit about fire more than the average person so i gess i could help. yes ice would be water.
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Re: I NEED a Mentor!
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Shape-shifting: physically cannot happen. magick is natural energy found everywhere. it is very powerful, but since it's a force of nature it cannot go against nature, which is why physical change such as a human turning into a fox cannot happen.

Summon a pet Dragon: dragons are not our pets. dragons are astral beings who will aid in spells and provide you with wisdom. they are not here to entertain you. i will repeat one more time dragons are astral, not physical, they are energy, some feel they are real, others don't. dragons will come to those who wish to be friends and learn, not those who want a pet, power, or other selfish reasons.

telepathy with animals: haven't looked into it, but i think it's possible, it'll take time and practice, as well as a close relationship with an animal to begin with.

Elements: you should try connecting with all the elements, but if you wish to connect with fire, try meditating by a fireplace, or a lit candle. study the element and its attributes. [fire rules the south, it's passionate and fierce] ice is a part of water, i haven't studied it much, but as with the other elements, ice will have some good and bad qualities that can help you, and i do know of many spells incorporating or utilizing snow and/or ice in some way.

good luck finding a mentor, i suggest looking into a coven that teaches what you wish to learn, or finding some books by credible authors to help you. blessed be.
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