Hey guys im new help lol

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Hey guys im new help lol
Post # 1
hey my names john and well im new here i want to learn magic and pretty much anything i can here im new and i have a few questions about covens like is it like one of those choose wisely your stuck with it or can you freely chagne every now and then?
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Re: Hey guys im new help lol
By: / Novice
Post # 2
welcome.. hope you find what it is you are looking for..
With regards to covens.. it is of one where you choose your coven wisely.. it has to fit in what you feel you are drawn to or belief...
Covens here like you to join and commit.. to become part of the family, as you see the different covens on the left hand side al you need to do is click on them read about them and see where you are drawn too...
If you do join a coven and you feel it is totally not you.. you can leave..
hope this helps
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