Most Magical language

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Re: Most Magical language
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 11
And then the "for sure" response that ignores all previous other responses.

Welcome to the internet. haha.
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Re: Most Magical language
Post # 12
Thank you all, everybody has given great anwsers to my question expext for maybe one person who wrote just a fragment of a sentance, but its ok. Every answer counts, and I has cleared up a few things for me. So again thank you :)
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Re: Most Magical language
Post # 13
Very true. My opinion did not match the others. How boring it would be if we were all the same lol. They asked, i gave my personal opioion from my experience which i do not alwayz feel is neccessary. First i research who has replied already and the person asking and then decide if i feel it is appropriate to answer how i want. Lighten up on me please. Lol. Who knows. You might learn something and me too.
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Re: Most Magical language
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 14

No language is inherently more magical than another unless you believe it is.

It is far better to do your magical workings in a language that you know and understand, and that you can speak and write well, than it is to try to work in some other language where there is any doubt about the way that language is spoken and written. Stumbling through an unfamiliar language will take away from the focus and intent which is the true core of magic. And mispronouncing words in an unfamiliar language changes their meanings and therefore changes what you are asking a spell to do.

If you feel that you must use a language other than your native one in order for what you are doing seem magical in your mind, then you need to study that language really hard until you are fluent not only in words but also in grammar. And that will take you several years of intense study and practice on its own.

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Re: Most Magical language
Post # 15
Indeed. The difficult thing about latin was that i couldnt find anyone to teach me or to practice with. All i had were a 3rd hand box of miniature flash cards. I tried for a couple years on and off and eventualy left them as an offering of sorts lol. As for many years i have had to travel light. Of course that was a more than a few years ago before i read the dark arts and began trying to research the necronomicon which is said to be purely for entertainment, i know. However, the times i did use it, in a group or alone, latin, i found it to be powerfully effective. Probably overkill now but back then, desperate times called for swift and prevailing measures as we were defending my neighborhood and innocents who lived there against a real live monster. A predator. And it was my doing he was there. And because i had let his wife befriend me before i knew i felt responsible he was even there. We tried everything mundane. It was hairy but we did get him out of the neighborhood.
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