Zodiacs and Elements

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Zodiacs and Elements
Post # 1

Aries the Ram
March 21 to April 19
Fire Sign
Birth Stone - Diamond
Colour - Scarlet
Power Stone - Red Jasper
Metal - Iron
Ruling Planet - Mars
Flower - Rose

Taurus the Bull
April 20 to May 20
Earth Sign
Birth Stone - Emerald
Colour - Powder Blue
Power Stone - Rose Quartz
Metal - Copper
Ruling Planet - Venus
Flower - Violet

Gemini the Twins
May 20 to June 20
Air Sign
Birth Stone - Alexandrine
Colour - Yellow
Power Stone - Mossgate
Metal - Mercurium
Ruling Planet - Mercury
Flower - Camellia

Caner the Crab
June 21 to July 22
Water Sign
Birth Stone - Ruby
Colour - Silver
Power Stone - Sodalith
Metal - Silver
Ruling Planet - Moon
Flower - Lilly of the Valley

Leo the Lion
July 23 to August 22
Fire Sign
Birth Stone - Peridot
Colour - Gold
Power Stone - Rock Crystal
Metal - Gold
Ruling Planet - Sun
Flower - Sunflower

Virgo the Virgin
August 23 to September 22
Earth Sign
Birth Stone - Sapphire
Colour - Grey
Power Stone - Tiger's Eye
Metal - Nickel
Ruling Planet - Mercury
Flower - Forget me Not

Libra the Seales
September 23 to October 22
Air Sign
Birth Stone - Opal
Colour - Pink
Power Stone - Aventurine
Metal - Copper
Ruling Planet - Venus
Flower - Pink Rose

Scorpio the Scorpion
October 23 to November 21
Water Sign
Birth Stone - Topaz
Colour - Blood Red
Power Stone - Hematite
Metal - Iron
Ruling Planet - Pluto
Flower - Honeysuckle

Sagittarius the Archer
November 22 to December 21
Fire Sign
Birth Stone - Zircon
Colour - Purple
Power Stone - Lapis Lazuli
Metal - Tin
Ruling Planet - Jupiter
Flower - Climbing Flowers

Capricorn the Goat
December 22 to January 19
Earth Sign
Birth Stone - Garnet
Colour - Earth Colours
Power Stone - Onyx
Metal - Silver
Ruling Planet - Saturn
Flower - Geranium

Aquarius the Water Gatherer
January 20 to February 18
Air Sign
Birth Stone - Amethyst
Colour - Electric Blue
Power Stone - Amazonite
Metal - Aluminium
Ruling Planets - Uranus
Flower - White Orchid

Pisces the Fish
February 19 to March 20
Water Sign
Birth Stone - Aquamarine
Colour - Turquoise
Power Stone - Amethyst
Metal - Platinum
Ruling Planet - Neptune
Flower - Lotus

The Element of Fire is associated with the Signs Aries, Leo and
Sagittarius, and it also rules the First, Fifth and Ninth Houses. As one would expect, those graced by Fire are fiery, indeed. They are enthusiastic and sometimes larger than life. Just like a fire that is left untended, however, Fire Signs can burn out of control.
Ouch! It's best to tend those embers.
A Fire Sign is also an indicator of creativity. This Element
manifests itself in creative and unique ways, and those in its
glow are also wonderfully courageous, lively spirits. Those
influenced by a Fire Sign are self-sufficient, spontaneous and
possess a tremendous zest for life.
It also stands to reason that a combustible Fire Signer would be
ardent in the game of love. Yes, these are the sexiest Signs of
the Zodiac, knowing they are the cat's meow and climbing ever
higher in the name of love. To their credit, those touched by Fire are often an inspiration to others, certainly for their adherence to solid moral and religious ideals.
If there's a flip side to the Element of Fire, it can be that those who bear its will can be overly strident in getting their way. Call it bossy, even. These folks can come across rather forcefully.
Selfishness and an overdeveloped ego can also be seen as part
of a fiery individual's shadowy side.
Fire Signs are strong, self-assured, creative and fun. When they
get too hot to touch, though, it may be a good idea to stand baxk!

The Element of Earth is attached to the Signs Taurus, Virgo and
Capricorn, and it also rules the Second, Sixth and Tenth
Houses. All the earthy metaphors are appropriate here: salt of
the Earth, feet firmly planted on the ground and so forth. Those
graced by an Earth Sign in their horoscope are practical,
grounded and dependable. These folks aren't taking big risks,
much preferring a sure thing.
Much like the Elements are considered the building blocks in
nature, Earth Signs are the builders of the zodiac. To these
Signs, creation is a tangible proposition. Whether it's building
jobs or homes, or creating comfortable rooms within that home
through the acquisition of possessions, Earth Signers are about
all what is solid around us. Those influenced by this Element feel best once they have accumulated a goodly number of worldly
possessions. The risk inherent in this, however, is that these
individuals may become greedy and far too materialistic.
The Element of Earth also confers a sense of duty, responsibility and reliability to those in its sphere. These are the people you can count on to be there when you need them. Those influenced by Earth also tend toward caution and conservatism, in both desire and approach. That said, they are sensualists, certainly in that they appreciate a good meal and fine wine better than anyone else.
The logical mind of an Earth Signer is always appreciated. In
keeping with this measured approach, these folks also display
considerable recuperative powers. On the flip side of things,
however, those supported by Earth may be so caught up in their
objectives that they might overlook the feelings of others. It is a big picture, after all, but these folks may be more concerned with the finish line than the journey they are taking.
Earth Signs are dependable, practical and conservative, yet
fairly materialistic. They have their feet on the ground but their eyes on the prize.

The Element of Air is attached to the Signs Gemini, Libra and
Aquarius. It also rules the Third, Seventh and Eleventh Houses.
It is rarefied air which usually surrounds those graced by this
Element, as this is the marker of the intellectual. Airy people are smart thinkers and handle abstract reasoning well. They love to analyze, synthesize and probe. Do you have a dilemma? Hand it over to an Air Sign and watch them go to work.
Air Signs are also about communication. These individuals want
to get the word out, and it's not likely to be fluff. They are alert, curious and perceptive. The world as seen by an Air Sign will be an interesting one, as their analysis and subsequent explanation (hopefully in terms we can understand) will indicate. Those influenced by Air are inventive and clever. They see all sides of the equation and are able to glean the best approach. Balance is important to these airy folk.
So, are Air Signers fresh as a summer breeze or howling like the
wind? Probably both, depending on when you catch them. While
these folks are often cool, calm and collected, they can turn cold if their equilibrium is upset. A word to the wise: there's little upside in baiting an Air Sign.
Another plus with Air is that it manifests itself in a most humane way. Those influenced by Air can truly wear another's shoes, as it were. They are objective, cooperative and really want to help make a better world. There's no prejudice with these folks, just a bright and shiny idealism which can accomplish much.
Air Signs are communicative, intellectual, clever and fair. They
can blow hot and cold, though, so beware of a chilly draft!

The Element of Water is associated with the Signs Cancer,
Scorpio and Pisces, and it also rules the Fourth, Eighth and
Twelfth Houses. The watery words flow with this Element: fluid,
flowing, wavering. These terms can easily apply to an
individual's emotions, which are exactly the realm in which
Water exerts its influence.
Water Signs are intuitive, sensitive and feel more intensely than the rest. They are emotional and nurturing and, like a river, run deep. How things feel is what matters to these folks, and they base their actions on sense, rather than on logic or intellect.
Water is also about compassion and understanding, since the
receptive talents of these individuals are remarkably high. Water Sign people can take in the feelings of others, process them, and put forth a plan or solution that will be conscientious to all.
Those graced by Water love to take their sense of the world and
translate it into the artistic. They desire aesthetic beauty -- and for everyone to be happy as a result of that beauty. Much like still water can become stagnant, however, an inactive Water
Sign person is not a Water Sign person at their best. Water
Signs feel most fulfilled when they are helping others, and they
do so in an enchanting, considerate and even romantic way.
The flip side of this dreamy Water world is the tendency of these individuals to brood. Water Signs are susceptible to mood
swings, and, at their worst, they could become self-indulgent,
controlling and hostage to a fantasy world. This also brings up
the ability of these folks to see things more clearly than others.
Call it psychic, if you will.
Water Signs are emotional, empathetic, receptive and feel things
deeply. Alternately calm like the sea or possessing the force of a torrential rain, the emotions brought forth by this Element are plentiful, indeed.

Re: Zodiacs and Elements
Post # 2
Element Compatibility

Fire & Fire = Certainly a fiery relationship with plenty of emotion and excitement. But there may not be a problem in keeping the fire burning.

Fire & Earth = This could be a tricky relationship as the Fire needs plenty of room to breathe, even though their zeal is inspiring.

Fire & Air = Successful relationship with good times. The stronger the emotions the happier it will be.

Fire & Water = Wonderful at first, although problems may arise when Water sign tries to use emotional blackmail.

Earth & Fire = A good emotional match, but with plenty of fireworks. The earth signs may prove too stubborn for their partner.

Earth & Earth = This will prove to be a very secure relationship, although not entirely lacking in passion.

Earth & Air = Although operating at very different levels, this might still work. The Earth partner provides stability.

Earth & Water = These signs need the same things in life – love and security – and this will lead to a very supportive relationship.

Air & Fire = Will find each other endlessly fascinating, with plenty to talk about, although the Air partner may not share the Fire sign’s passion.

Air & Earth = Can be filled with fun, until the Earth sign tries to tie down the light hearted Air sign, which will frighten the partner off.

Air & Air = A magical combination for the mind although it may be difficult to express emotions.

Air & Water = The Air sign can be entrancing, although emotional differences may prove to be a stumbling block.

Water & Fire = A very passionate combination, although the water sign may prove difficult.

Water & Earth = You adore the emotional security that you give each other, but try to bring out your imagination more.

Water & Air = Needs careful handling so that the romantic dreams of the Water sign are not destroyed.

Water & Water = These two element signs are emotionally sensitive, very passionate and strong together. They flow with ease and care for the mind with strength of thought and love to share equally, their feelings, and passions pleasures…….

Re: Zodiacs and Elements
Post # 3
Nice Rose!=D Good work!^_^
I am water^^

Re: Zodiacs and Elements
Post # 4
i am an air

Re: Zodiacs and Elements
Post # 5
Fire is what I am!

Re: Zodiacs and Elements
Post # 6

Re: Zodiacs and Elements
Post # 7
I'm Air and Water

Sun Sign - Gemini the Twins
May 20 to June 20
Air Sign
Birth Stone - Alexandrine
Colour - Yellow
Power Stone - Mossgate
Metal - Mercurium
Ruling Planet - Mercury
Flower - Camellia

Moon sign - Pisces the Fish
February 19 to March 20
Water Sign
Birth Stone - Aquamarine
Colour - Turquoise
Power Stone - Amethyst
Metal - Platinum
Ruling Planet - Neptune
Flower - Lotus

It's like having four people in one body, and let me tell ya, it ain't no cake walk...lmao (all four voices laughing at once...) IT'S IN STEREO!!!!

Re: Zodiacs and Elements
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8
lol Im Aquarius.
which is strange in its self ....the water gatherer being an air sign :D

Re: Zodiacs and Elements
Post # 9
Ima cancer so that makes my sign water ^^

Re: Zodiacs and Elements
Post # 10


Direction: East.

Rules: The mind, all mental, intuitive and psychic work, knowledge, abstract learning, theory, windswept hills, plains, windy beaches, high mountain peaks, high towers, wind and breath.
Time: Dawn.
Season: Spring.
Colors: White, bright yellow, crimson, blue-white.
Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Tools: Athame, sword, censer.
Spirits: Sylphs, ruled by King Paralda.
Angel: Michael.
Wind: Eurus.
Sense: Smell.
Jewel: Topaz.
Incense: Galbanum.
Plants: Frankencense, myrrh, pansy, primrose, vervain, violet, yarrow.
Tree: Aspen.
Animals: Birds.
Goddesses: Aradia, Arianrhod, Cardea, Nuit, Urania.
Gods: Enlil, Khephera, Mercury, Shu, Thoth.


Direction: South.

Rules: Energy, spirit, heat, flame, blood, sap, life, will, healing and destroying, purification, bonfires, hearth fires, candle flames, sun, deserts, volcanoes, eruptions, explosions. Time: Noon.
Season: Summer.
Colors: Red, gold, crimson, orange, white (the sun's noon light).
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Saggitarius.
Tools: Censer, wand.
Spirits: Salamanders, ruled by King Djin.
Angel: Ariel.
Wind: Notus.
Sense: Sight.
Jewel: Fire Opal.
Incense: Olibanum.
Plants: Garlic, hibiscus, mustard, nettle, onion, red peppers, red poppies.
Tree: Almond, in flower.
Animals: Fire-breathing dragons, lions, horses (when their hooves strike sparks).
Goddesses: Brigit, Hestia, Pele, Vesta. Gods: Agni, Hephaestus, Horus, Vulcan.


Direction: West.

Rules: Emotions, feelings, love, courage, daring, sorrow, the ocean, the tides, lakes, pools, streams, and rivers, springs and wells, intuition, the unconscious mind, the womb, generation, fertility.
Time: Twilight.
Season: Autumn.
Colors: Blue, blue-green, green, gray, indigo, black.
Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Tools: Cup.
Spirits: Undines, ruled by King Niksa.
Angel: Raphael. Wind: Zephyrus.
Sense: Taste.
Jewel: Aquamarine.
Incense: Myrrh.
Plants: Ferns, lotus, mosses, rushes, seaweed, water lillies, and all water plants.
Tree: Willow.
Animals: Dragons (as serpents), dolphins and porpoises, fish, seals and sea mammals, water-dwelling snakes, all water creatures and sea birds.
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat.
Gods: Dylan, Ea, Llyr, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon.


Direction: North.

Rules: The body, growth, nature, sustenance, material gain, money, creativity, birth, death, silence, chasms, caves, caverns, groves, fields, rocks, standing stones, mountains, crystal, jewels, metal.
Time: Midnight.
Season: Winter.
Colors: Black, brown, green, white.
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Tools: Pentacle.
Spirits: Gnomes, ruled by King Ghob.
Angel: Gabriel.
Wind: Boreas, Ophion.
Sense: Touch.
Jewel: Rock crystal, salt.
Incense: Storax.
Plants: Comfrey, ivy, grains, barley, oats, corn, rice, rye, wheat.
Tree: Oak.
Animals: Cow or bull, bison, snakes (earth-dwelling), stag.
Goddesses: Ceres, Demeter, Geae, Mah, Nephthys, Persephone, Prithivi, Rhea, Rhiannon.
Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Marduk, Pan, Tammuz.


Direction: Center and circumference, throughout and about.
Rules: Transcendence, tranformation, change, everywhere and nowhere, within and without, the void, immanence.
Time: Beyond time, all time is one.
Season: The turning wheel.
Colors: Clear, white, black.
Tools: Cauldron.
Sense: Hearing.
Plant: Mistletoe.
Tree: The flowering almond.
Animal: Sphinx.
Goddesses: Isis, the Secret Name of the Goddess, Shekinah.
Gods: Akasha, IAO, JHVH.

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