could someone help?

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could someone help?
Post # 1
I don't read Tarot cards and a friend asked me what his ex girlfriends spread meant. Can someone tell me so I can relay the message?
Ten of pentacles (reverse )
The moon (reverse )
Page of shadows (reverse )
Seven of cups (reverse)
Seven of pentacles (reverse)
The hierophant (reverse)
Three of wands (reverse )
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Re: could someone help?
Post # 2
From the shadows card I can tell you are not using a tarot that I am familiar with. I use the Rider deck and there are no shadows suit, but since you have the other three suits listed I can assume your shadows suit corresponds to swords. Another things that looks strange on your "spread" is that all your cards are reversed, that is quite a feat and would lead me to reshuffle the deck and try again.

Also you must consider the mindset of the person shuffling the cards and the question in your mind as you lay out the cards. So without that information I don't think anyone can give you a perfect divination of your cards, but to help I have listed what the cards mean.

the ten of pentacles reversed stands for loss
the moon reversed stands for instability, possibly error or deception too
Page of swords (shadows) reversed stands for the evil side of authority
seven of cups reversed Desire and determination
seven pentacles reversed Anxiety about money
Hierophant reversed good understanding but can also signify weakness
three of wands reversed can mean error, loss and or confusion

Only the person that deals the cards can truly tell the meaning of this as that person is the one that truly knows what they were asking the cards.
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