"White" and "Black" Magic

CovenSpell Casters ► "White" and "Black" Magic
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"White" and "Black" Magic
Post # 1

Why did I place quotations around the words "White, Black"

Many people have different views on magic(k). I believe magic(k) is neither white or black, just the intent of the spell caster. As I always say "Even the greatest of white, can be riddled with black." The reason they came up with the names "White" and "Black" magic(k) is because of movies and shows. Magic(k) is based on neutral energy willed to either positive and or negative effects.

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Re: "White" and "Black" Magic
Post # 2
True but it is not about the colour it is about the energy it holds like when I cast a black magick spell I can feel the dark essence or the evil energy it holds comparing that to white magic where I feel positive.
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Re: "White" and "Black" Magic
Post # 3

Please the read forum again, I was pretty much stating that magic(k) is only neutral energy willed to a positive or negative effect which is pretty much what it is.

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Re: "White" and "Black" Magic
Post # 4
exactly. But. True black magic is when you control
somone or somethings mind. Like love spells.
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Re: "White" and "Black" Magic
Post # 5

Yes I agree with you :) I find them very negative. Well it would seem like a posative to the person who casts it but a negative to the person it's cast upon.

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Re: "White" and "Black" Magic
Post # 6
exactly. If it's like an attrattion spell
to get somebody to notice you sure.
But you do the rest. If you want some one to
come all the way from china just for a one
night stand no.
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