Honey Jar spell backfired

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Re: Honey Jar spell backfired
By: / Novice
Post # 29
I'm going to disagree with you as well White.

Hoodoo is worked one of two ways for it to be "traditional" Hoodoo. Either with no spiritual affiliation or with the Christian God (some regions use Saints, others do not).

You cannot incorporate another deity into Hoodoo and still call it Hoodoo (Keep in mind that ATR's, are actually Christian based and their spirits are seen as the connection between man and God, though their terminology isn't what you'd typically see).

When the folk magic was first brought over here, it was seen as odd and looked upon poorly. To "hide" it, Christian concepts and influences were used - which is where we actually get Hoodoo from. It's origin may not have been strictly Protestant Christian, but when it evolved from being foreign folk magic and turned into Hoodoo, Christianity was the base and influence.

It quite literally changed from mixed folk magic into Hoodoo by this influence.

Since Hoodoo became popular online, there has been many misunderstanding about it's origin, it's evolution and why it's current evolution is limited to availability of products (keep in mind that Hoodoo was for the poor. They worked with what they had, where as we now have the luxury to purchase our wants).

If you work Hoodoo and you wish to call upon "the god who works with Hoodoo", it's going to be the Christian God. There is no way around that. If you call on anything else, it's no longer Hoodoo

You can check the Independent Associate of Rootworkers and ask ANY of the rootworkers there who are Hoodoo if there is anyone else to call upon while working Hoodoo, the answer will be no - with the exception of ancestors and Saints, which doesn't fall under the "god" category.

I assure you that this isn't just a personal opinion. Hoodoo is my path, it's what I teach my kids. I am in many groups with other rootworkers (many of whom are well known authors) and I am submerged into the culture. There are constant discussions, debates and out right fits thrown over the new age version of Hoodoo where many Pagans come into the path unwilling to work with the Christian concepts or God, and choose to instead work with their deities. Any old time Conjure folk will tell you that not only is it wrong and a mockery of the tradition, it's an insult to use the term Hoodoo when such practices no longer make it Hoodoo.

You cannot just "do what feels right" in this path. Eclecticism has no place here.

Please feel free to look up Lucky Mojo (cat has studied and been part of Hoodoo for decades), Mama Starr, Dr. E, Professor Ames or Papa Matt. All are well known within the tradition.

On the magic side of it, it is a mixture of African, Native American and European practices. On the spiritual side (which is heavy within the community and is only seen as separate by "outsiders"), it's Christianity.

Also, keep in mind that rootwork and Hoodoo are similar, but not the same. Members of the ATR's do rootwork, and as such can call upon the Lwa and Orisha's. While it is similar to Hoodoo in magical concepts and methods, the lack of actually incorporating the specific Christian god is what separates it from Hoodoo.

And as to the "shoving Christianity down throats"..Christianity was present in Africa long before slaves had it "imposed" upon them here. Many of the ATR's, were formed BECAUSE of the Christian influence, evolved slightly when stopping in the Caribbean, and continue to this day. As outsiders, we tend to see this as a spiritual intrusion, however I can promise you that members of Vodou or Lucumi are probably really grateful that their religion stemmed from spiritual intrusion.

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Re: Honey Jar spell backfired
By: / Novice
Post # 30

Starr Casas and Dr. Love Bug talk on this.


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Re: Honey Jar spell backfired
Post # 31
Hello Ms. Indian,

I have read through all the posts and I haven't read where anyone suggests that you may need to cleanse yourself first. Many people overlook this step is conjuring. Hoodoo does NOT abide by the law of three. This is why it is important to decide on what you are going to practice and do it thoroughly. Hoodoo is not Wicca or other forms of witchcraft. So, the first thing I would do if you haven't already done it, because this post is old, I would do ask others have said and through jar in running water and ask petition for removal. Then you need to do a series of 9 cleansing baths along with some Psalms. Particularly Ps. 51. After you do that. You need to take at least 3 to 5 sweetening baths for yourself, so that you have the same sweetness you want him to have. During both the cleansing and sweetening baths PLEASE remove ALL fear and doubt. This was your first mistake. You should never practice any power acts with fear in your heart. This within itself will taint your work. You must build up your confidence. Conjure is MORE about YOUR STATE OF MIND, rather than your target. YOU MUST BE STRONG, FEARLESS and without DOUBT. When you feel this way go back to the drawing board and you will be amazed at the results. Good Luck and GOD bless.
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Re: Honey Jar spell backfired
Post # 32

There are no gods/goddesses in HOODOO. Real Hoodoo uses bible, God the creator, saints and ancestors.
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Re: Honey Jar spell backfired
Post # 33
Jar rituals don't "backfire", as they do exactly what you tell them to.

You wanted your boyfriend, to express his feelings for you, and he did so.

Just open up the jar, and spill its contents into running/flowing water.
A stream or river, are best, but you can also flush them down a toilet.

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Re: Honey Jar spell backfired
Post # 34
This is an old post but for ppl just now seeing it let me say this. ts not that the honey jar backfired its that as they said above more than once there may have been under lying problems in the relationship and you didnt see it, or some ppl whom are strong willed will fight the spell. In Hoodoo it is always tecommended that you get a reading first to determine if this spell is even right for your situation. In this case and again I know this topic is old, a reading should've been determined to see what went wrong. You never know... it could have been him fighting it. the relationship took the wrong turn, OR worse case scenario is that someone was working against you. This is just something I wanted to add to this topic...
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Re: Honey Jar spell backfired
Post # 35
Entropy.....sometimes magick isn't the answer at all. Ever think maybe things just happen because there meant to?
One of my favorite quotes:
"There are better things ahead then what we leave behind"

Don't sweat it so much, what's meant to be will be. But if he stopped expressing feelings, he probably had his reasons. Maybe his heart just wasn't in it anyone. No matter what, you deserve someone that gives you the attention you need, without casting spells on them.

I'm not being mean Hun, just give him some space. Sweetie you deserve true love, where no spells are needed...and so does he for that matter. True love always finds a way, if it was meant then it'll work itself out. Casting spells, and trying to force the issue with him, will only make it worse.
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Re: Honey Jar spell backfired
Post # 36
Maybe he just doesnt love you? There isn't always an explanation for not liking someone anymore. Or he could just be mad at himself for something he did that was wrong and believes what he is doing is for the better
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Re: Honey Jar spell backfired
Post # 37
does mine still love me? trying to work with simple spells
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