bad luck

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bad luck
Post # 1
Ok so over about the past year or so if something could go wrong it would does not matter what it is or what I have done even when I do good deeds I still have bad things happen to me as soon as something starts going half right I have the worst things happen like when I put my little stereo in my car during the early part of the summer I only had it in there maybe 3 days and guess what happens one of my amps decides that it is going to fry and no it was not a cheap Walmart amp lol or like when I went to fill out a job app online that I would have had a very good chance of getting mine and my grandmas computers crash but if that is not bad enough I can not find my resume on my flash drive or my phones sd card and my resume was on all of them but can't be found and I had a few hard copys just incase something like that happend but they disappeared as well. or as I am writing this my phone is acting up like crazy and I never have a problem out of it normally. There are so many things I could list but won't because it would be a lot of reading/typeing it seems like what ever I do something bad comes of it for me even if I am helping someone out .
Any help to as what could be causeing all of this would be much appreciated

Blessed be
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Re: bad luck
By: / Novice
Post # 2
get some sage smudge and cleanse your house and your possessions, then make two charms; a protection charm and a luck charm, and place both in your house, your car, and carry with you. [so 6 in total] you should also have a cleansing bath with sea salt, cinnamon and basil. this mix should protect you and bring luck. just sit and breath in deep, visualizing good luck entering your life.

the cleansing, and charms should be done once a month until your luck changes. daily meditation and shielding would be another good idea just to keep the negative energy away.
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