Creating a servitor

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Re: Creating a servitor
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 41
If all you're looking for is answers that you want to hear, stop asking questions of other people and speak only to yourself.

Re: Creating a servitor
Post # 42

I don't know what a servitor is, can anyone explain?

Re: Creating a servitor
Post # 43
AwakeTooLong: *Facepalms* OK Your not listening at all. XD Unless I worded it wrong, but not looking for answers looking for help in doing this so when I try I can succeed and get her.

xXAwesomeXx: A Servitor is a spiritual being that you created, they can be anything you want and do anything you want, search here or Google "how to create a Servitor" for more details.

Re: Creating a servitor
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 44
I am listening, and explanations and the like were offered. However you decided you didn't like what you heard, and decided instead to believe in fairy tales.


Good luck. Hope, whatever the end, you find happiness.

Re: Creating a servitor
Post # 45
AwakeTooLong: Fairy tales? That basically explains the "whole" site if you think what I want is a fairy tale then everything here is a fairy tale, how did I "not" like what I heard? Point and quote to a comment I said where I didn't like what I heard.

I spent a good time writing a message to you but you know what? Not gonna post it, as it's "you" not listening to what I am saying, I repeatly told you that I "am" listening and taking in advise, and your line of "it's a fairy tale" that's a BIG INSULT to this entire site.

That's like saying magic itself is a fairy tale, but I am not gonna get into what I just deleted I'll be the better person here for once. You think it's a waste of my time and can't possibly happen? Fine but just as what is needed with a Servitor I'll still "believe and have faith", without those this entire site shouldn't even be online peroid.

But anyways sorry you disagree so much, but I "am" listening to others and taking in what they are saying, so please "stop" saying I am not.

Re: Creating a servitor
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 46
What I mean by you not listening is that multiple voices have provided you with answers concerning the actual nature of the succubus. Instead, you choose to believe the fairytale of their existence.

Forgive my lack of clarity. Considering the amount of space taken up by this, and the amount of mail I, and likely others, have received, this thread is now locked.

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