Child Haunted by Spirit

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Re: Child Haunted by Spirit
Post # 2
I would try burning sage in there if that does not work try useing a binding spell

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Re: Child Haunted by Spirit
Post # 3
Banishing the spirit is a better way to go, binding doesn't remove the problem, more of just mitigating it. Do a cleansing of yourself, and then perform a banishment ritual (such as the LBRP). After that, cleanse the house.

Doing small works over and over again is pointless. Do a good strong work. Hope this helps in some way.
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Re: Child Haunted by Spirit
Post # 4
heard about a spell while back called divine light, said to repel future infestation and destroy evil spirits. hope this helps. personally I say if it threatens your children kill it
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Re: Child Haunted by Spirit
Post # 5

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Re: Child Haunted by Spirit
Post # 6
thanks for making a joke of it. but I was being serious. the spell I was referring to uses candles and an invocation(angelic).not a roleplaying game. saw a friend cast it once whole room was bathed in the brightest light I'd ever seen, and a sound like a fright train in the living room. lasted about a minute, afterwards every thing out side the circle hamster, fish tank, mice in the walls was dead. plus side no more ghosts.
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Re: Child Haunted by Spirit
Post # 7
Yeah.... no go with what Voo has told you.
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Re: Child Haunted by Spirit
Post # 8
do a banishing ritual or dispelling ritual and put your barrier back up and clam what is yours and they can't pass through it
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Re: Child Haunted by Spirit
By: / Novice
Post # 9
a banishing is what you need. though i don't know of any strong ones [i should though] couple it with a cleansing and protection spell. it'll be a long process, but it should work. what you should get is sage smudge, rosemary, sea salt, and lemon juice. first, mix the rosemary [7 springs] with 1/2 cup sea salt, 1/2 cup lemon juice, and 7 cups of warm water in a bucket [if you wish to heat it on a stove you can, but this is quicker] use this to wash everything in your home like furniture and floors, but especially doors and windows. speaking of, they should be open while you do this, and be sure you chant something like 'wash away the darkness, replace it with light, all evil leave my home' while visualizing a white light washing away negative energy as you clean. be sure when you sweep/wash your floor you do it in a circular motion from the middle out. if you have carpets, just sprinkle the sea salt over them and vacuum it, but do so from the middle out, and while chanting/visualizing.

next get some sage smudge and burn it, wafting the smoke into every inch of your home [in corners, on the ceiling, behind book shelves, around doors and windows] while visualizing and chanting. after you sage a room, be sure to shut the windows and doors behind you.

once you finish that, create a protection charm for you, each person in the family, and the house to keep it from coming back. if it does, i've read in Scott Cunninghams book Earth Magick [i think it was that one anyway] make a black mirror, place it in the upper corner of the room where the spirit typically dwells [at at 45 degree angle would be best] visualize/feel the energy swirling counterclockwise through the room and into the mirror. if you feel there's still some left, you can repeat this a few more times. once you feel it's all inside, draw an equal armed cross [a + sign symbolizing the four directions/elements start at the top and make a straight line down with the forefinger of your power hand, then from left to right.] on the mirror trapping it in a different area far away from your home. leave the mirror untouched for a week, then clean it with either vinegar or an ammonia solution to get rid of all negativity.
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Re: Child Haunted by Spirit
Post # 10
Thanks everyone, I am going to try the sage and the banishing spell. I have done the binding, but it only came back. I want it gone for good. I will try this and let you know if it goes away.
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Re: Child Haunted by Spirit
Post # 11
You should perform The Rose Cross Ritual on your child as well as anyone else in your house. This includes doing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) first. Magick projects 'a light beacon' into the spiritual world when performed. You need The Rose Cross Ritual to 'hide' you all from those spirits when you are done performing magick so they can't bug you. Once you have expelled everything from around your child, you should then create a shield protecting her from any non-angelic or friendly spirits. It is possible to create a selective shield though I forget what label people give it to provide reference for you so you may just have to ask how for this is long enough already.
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