I could use some guidance

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I could use some guidance
Post # 1
I am not very experienced when it comes to my gift. I need some guidance to help me. I dream what is going to happen, and I can manipulate electricity (only when i am upset). I can also do revenge spells with pretty good results. I also can conjure spirits whenever i want. I can speak to others like me through telepathy. the only problem is that i cant really control it. It just happens. How do i control it and make my gift stronger?
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Re: I could use some guidance
Post # 2
I'm slightly new here but I do have a few tips...

You can meditate and let your mind flow. More often than not you will learn something new about yourself, or someone around you. You can also focus on your abilities while meditating; although I'm not sure how hard that it, but it was fairly difficult for me, since I kept breaking meditation since I have ADD and autism.

Another option is to use the energy of you body. It has many names (so I've heard), such as qi, ki, chakra, etc. The one way I've learned how to concentrate my power (fire and wind/air) is to:

First, relax your whole body.

Then, the hard part, push energy to you arms/legs. The best way to do this is to send what seems like nerve signals, but not enough to move. If you do this too much, your muscles may start to twitch/act like you have a cramp (but no pain). If this happens, just move around a bit to stop the feeling. what you really need to do is get on the brink of that happening, and keep it there.

Then envision it seeping or shooting out of your hand at whatever. I would start with a light bulb and try to dim/brighten it since those are easy to manipulate.

Once you have all that down, you most likely, with a little practice, master your skill!

Hope this helps!
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Re: I could use some guidance
Post # 3
This using is a bit hard just imagine blue energy in your body and make pools in your hands then use it on everything you can suck energy make balls etc
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