What is..

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What is..
Post # 1
What exactly is the Libra Negra or "The Black book"? I have absolutely no knowledge on this and I am the kind of person who can not go one day without figuring out what a certain thing uis or ut feels like I'm going looney. I have came across many books with the nickname "the black book" so any information will be greatly appreciated
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Re: What is..
Post # 2

The last time I heard the reference was either in "The Scarlet Letter" or "The Crucible". It is often believed that Satan/Lucifer/the Christian Devil/etc. would write the names of people in a black book. The names within were the names of the eternally damned. Now, the phrase is commonly used for a book containing the names of others, sometimes for a negative purpose. Although it is just what I call my address book.

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Re: What is..
Post # 3
I now wonder if I should get the locket for my fiancee >.> Might make a good joke gift haha
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