chaotic basics

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chaotic basics
Post # 1
The truth of chaos magic

There is a process to controlling energy, in my opinion these are the things in which you will need to learn to follow any basic things I show and you must work with them in this order

Primarily gained through meditation and binaural meditation
Primarily via pain or pleasure

Gnosis –altered state of mind brought on by stimuli

Intent and means
In chaos magick it is often a sigil, but writing it down or speaking how you’re going to do it and why is very important

Direction and projection
This is where visualization comes in handy one must charge their intent and then project it in order for the method to work

Alright I will now go through how you can learn and achieve these basics
1. Self focus
You can start by meditating which is simply clearing your mind of the external world and looking inward and maintaining the state of mind to continue it How I meditate is by having a cup of mint tea, and then sitting comfortably and letting my mind run free and then gradually slow my thoughts through controlled breathing going slower and slower until my mind runs clear like good water and I sit there and enjoy and hear my voice and my voice only feel free to copy what I do

2. Pain or pleasure. I will usually during meditation build a controlled memory burst
I take everything painful about my life and write it down then I enter meditation and relive the pain all at once... till my mind temporarily shatters and I enter a trance. This is gnosis

3. Gnosis it is a state of trance once here you must learn to maintain focus while in the trance I do that by visualizing a small purple and concentrating on my breathing
4. Intent and means
I create this before even beginning the meditation
I create a sigil basically I write down my intent and means and rearrange the letters into a symbol
And place it in front of me

5. Direction and projection
This is simple you just visualize energy projecting into the sigil I usually use a purple light (color or visualization usually do not matter) I then inflict a small amount of pain to *seal the sigil* and then I visualize the energy projecting words my goal
Finally I destroy the sigil and that is this article

this article is dedicated to the e-coven spellcasters and is written by arcaneraine
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Re: chaotic basics
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Arcane this is amazing ! Honestly , I know very little on chaotic Magick , but this is a great intro
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Re: chaotic basics
Post # 3
thank you ^.^ it was a five min article but still if anyone has questions feel free to write
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