Energy vampire attack

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Re: Energy vampire attack
Post # 2

I can't conclude whether it is an "energy vampire" or not, as I don't have enough information to do so and I dislike jumping to conclusions. However, if you do beleive your energy is being taken by an outside force, perhaps you could try sheilding yourself or casting a circle before meditating. Additionally, you could:

  • Light a red candle to energize you with power
  • Light a black or white candle to block negative energies
  • Light a blue candle for protection
  • Make an herbal sachet containing cinnamon, rosemary, and anise for protection
  • Cleanse your new home and protect it against negative energies
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Re: Energy vampire attack
Post # 3
Thank you all i will note that done but now i got school but thanks
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Re: Energy vampire attack
Post # 4
there called psychic vampires!!!

this wasnt from me it was from my friend she is one and she is really into it
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Re: Energy vampire attack
Post # 5
yep they are called psychic vampires, they feed on energy and they are psychic as well. psychic vampyrs are real and they do feed off of energy, however they are not like vampyrs seen on TV where they regenerate and all, no, instead they feed off of energy in order to feel good and to gain just a little more life to live, however they are not immortal.
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Re: Energy vampire attack
Post # 6
how do i get rid of it cause i am not the only witch
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Re: Energy vampire attack
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
You don't. An energy or psy vampire is not some entity to be banished. It is a person who has chosen to feed off the energy of others. This feeding has nothing to do with needing other's energy to live, or in giving them longer lives. It is a form of addiction where the energy they draw from others makes them feel good for a short period of time.

If you learn how to do proper shields for yourself and also ward your house appropriately then you won't have to worry about energy vamps as they won't be able to tap into your energies.
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Re: Energy vampire attack
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Spirits can get energy from you, but usually only if you allow it to.. if you leak fear, it may be able to slip in where the fear came out. ect. Why don't you simply get energy from the sun, like everything else? It was never restricted to people or even animals for that matter. I feed off anything, even kinetic as well as potential kinetic energy. Of course the closer you are, the stronger the link between the two.. about that question, I think you may have a rare case that I can best describe as a rite to use a place of residence as a battery of sorts. When someone else finally moves in, your lingering energy can act as way to absorb that of the new tenants. Othila is the rune connected to the home and energies associated with it. This type of spell is actually not as uncommon as you may think. A good smudging and home wide grounding may be necessary. Maybe an interesting binding as well? Hope this helps.
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Re: Energy vampire attack
Post # 9
Thank you all for advice i have been really freaking out about it but now its better i know made sacred stones so no evil spirits can came here
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Re: Energy vampire attack
By: / Beginner
Post # 10
I agree with Lark on this one. And a good cleansing of yur new home would be in order. Get out the sgae and smudge the entire house. Then do a protection for the house, and for you. This should keep the draining of energy from happening for you, and for anyone in the house with you. Won't hurt to wear or carry a protection crystal, such as clear quartz. You can put or hang crystals in every window, and salt the door entries. Hope this helps. Blessed Be...
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Re: Energy vampire attack
Post # 11
that's good! Blessing and protecting yourself is the best way to get rid of evil. Also feeling love and peace will get rid of any evil entities. Remember if it's a psychic vampire attack they will not drain you dry. Usually they do not rob someone completely of your energy, they only take what they need and they believe life is precious and should be preserved. Blessed be!
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