Magic shouldnt mean lazy

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Magic shouldnt mean lazy
Post # 1
I have something to say here which I have wanted to for a LONG LONG TIME!

Magic should not be used for certain things in my opinion.
Take this for example..

Spells for muscularity.
Alright, I admit, I would like it to... But sometimes, why don't we just do it ourselves?
honestly people, sometimes its just nuts what we will do.

Things aren't always easy greezey Lol And magic isn't always the answer.

Thats just my opinion on this.
I see poeple using magic for evr/y lil thing and...blah.
I just think that we should do things naturally somedays.
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Re: Magic shouldnt mean lazy
Post # 2
I think magic should be a last resort option.
Like you stated above, the mascularity spell, well there's an alternative for that, go to the gym, plan your trainings wise and train hard, the body loves it.
About cursing people, maybe it's just me, but, I would rather teach that person a lesson by myself than hiding behind a spell.

Also remenber that "what goes around comes around"
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Re: Magic shouldnt mean l
Post # 3
I both agree and disagree.
I think magic to some people is in the act, a chore like scrubbing the kitchen countertop for the purpose of it being clean. So, with a goal in mind they'll perform a magic spell to meet this goal. Any goal, sometimes. I've recently read someone ask if there were a spell where you can put your hands on a book and "suck out" the information straight into your brain. The initial reaction among the other posters was "just read the book, damn it." Mundaneness has its place too, but it's their choice (and their consequences ) if they want to miss the experience of it. Would muscles actually be strong or are they just swollen but still weak because they haven't been physically exercised-- would you instinctively know how to lift from the knees and not the back like weightlifters are taught or will you damage your body? Would you risk missing a favorite part or character, miss the beauty or brilliance of the author's narrative? Are developing the magical skill to do these things really much less effort than doing them mundanely?

If that's a yes, then fine-- I think there's no good reason to care unless, well, you're either a control freak who can't stand other people not viewing and using magic the way you would, or you're jealous of the magically muscular and well-read!
Or, you're empathic of their suffering of their consequences.
Or you consider magic a serious respectable art and using it trivially is likened to the horror of a scientist watching someone use their nano quantum resonator as a doorstop: it does the job, but misses the point of the beautifully complex and much-invested tool.
Or, afraid of the warps in magical spacetime from vulgar magics affecting you too.
... or any other unforeseeable thing going wrong that the sort of short-sighted magically clumsy novitiate who would do this sort of spell in the first place would get wrong about a force that really nobody fully knows the workings of... er... some of those are good reasons, aren't they...
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Re: Magic shouldnt mean lazy
Post # 4
THANK you very good reasons. xD
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Re: Magic shouldnt mean lazy
Post # 5
well to use ur spell for a last resort u need to make ur exp in mage stronger so use certin spells for certin reasons and dont be lazy is its something that is easy to do like cleaning ur room
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