Trade my soul for a wish?

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Re: Trade my soul for a wish?
Post # 11
Its possible, but it's also a rather form of myth. Yes you can do it, but it is not safe, or smart!

Making a pact is not something to be taken lightly. I'm not in charge of you, however what will you learn? Your giving your soul to some horrible christian deity. He does whatever he want, you get condemned to hell, and it's all for power. Power is not important, we need to learn pain and we need to learn how to become knowledgeable and string in our own gosh darn way!

Sadly to say, but once you do it ; your stuck with it. There will be no way to turn back. Think carefully! Entities shouldn't be played with, they should be feared and honored.

Re: Trade my soul for a w
By: / Novice
Post # 12
The title of this thread got Call Me Maybe stuck in my head, damn you djoe this thread was more than a year old couldn't you leave it alone??


Re: Trade my soul for a wish?
By: / Novice
Post # 13
you cannot sell your soul at least in the conventional sense. Your soul is eternal and it is you. It is integral to you.

Now in a more abstract sense you can do things that go against your nature to a point where you lose wont know who you are any more...abstractly. Someone who pursues wealth for example may start out with good intentions but then their actions lead them further away from the person they once were.

Anyways, theres lots of rituals out there to help you out with your wish. But unless you know what youre doing i doubt it will work out. At least the way you want it to in your mind...

Anyways, good luck. I hope you get centered enough to realize that no one thing you want (is this a love relationship? im guessing but i bet it is) is that important. It just isnt...if your energy is in a place as desperate as this, and you dont have strong knowledge of rituals and the "basics" then your not gonna get what you want via magick.

You need perspective. Wish for that instead


Re: Trade my soul for a wish?
By: / Novice
Post # 14
oh...and whatever you do...PLEASE do not give anyone money or pay for a spell.

There are a lot of people out there that look for desperation and take advantage. Please, do not pay for magick...youre just gonna get ripped off


Re: Trade my soul for a wish?
By: / Novice
Post # 15
oh for pity's sake...i just realized his was a necroed post from last year...lulz...silly me...


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