Just asking

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Just asking
Post # 1
I want to release my anger. How can vodou help?
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Re: Just asking
Post # 2

There are ways to release your anger that aren't magick related. Such as exercise, art, drawing, writing, etc. You can also sit down and meditate and let your anger just flow away. Vodou isn't really something that helps with anger as far as I know.

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Re: Just asking
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Hexen_Feuer is right, unless there's someone you want to take revenge on, or want to do something to someone how has caused the anger, then no magick will help you with your anger.
When I'm angry, but it isn't anyone's fault, I meditate, and visualize my anger flowing out of my body into the ground, like you would with energy when grounding yourself.
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Re: Just asking
Post # 4
I'd suggest working with Chakras, but if you want to use voodoo ...


To Banish Anger
From The Spiral Dance by Starhawk

This spell needs to be done alongside flowing water.
A private corner surrounded by bushes at the side of a
stream is a good place.

Cast a circle. Cup black stone in your hands and raise
it to your forehead, concentrate and send all your anger
into the stone. Do this for as long as you can, until you
can do it no longer, then hurl the stone with all of your
might, into the water, and say:

"With this stone anger be gone
Water bind it, no one find it!"

Place your palms upon the ground, for a few moments to ground
the power, and allow your circle to fade. Now go home and take
care of yourself, for you may feel depleted for a while, but you
will be better. Alternatively, you may feel better straight away.
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