Norse Divinity

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Re: Norse Divinity
Post # 11
Time and care, went into this post, and it shows.

It's a shame, you've deleted your profile. I would have enjoyed talking with you.
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Re: Norse Divinity
Post # 12

I am still around ;)

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Re: Norse Divinity
Post # 13
I see.

I couldn't click your profile, in the OP.

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Re: Norse Divinity
Post # 14

I had to delete and remake my account awhile back. It's a long story but the short part is that I am here again.

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Re: Norse Divinity
Post # 15

I'll be expanding this thread this week to include more gods and goddesses.

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Re: Norse Divinity
Post # 16
Can't wait.
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Re: Norse Divinity
Post # 17

Norse Divinity Update

I am just posting a few more gods. I will add some goddesses tomorrow.


Njord - Njord is a Vanir sea god. He oversees the weather during sea travel and wards off harmful wights at sea. Njord is also the god of fisherman, and the commerce of sea trade. As such Njord is one of the more peaceful gods of the Norse pantheon.

Njord is the father of Freyr and Freyja. He is also the previous husband of the winter giantess Skadi. His and Skadi's marriage was an arranged marriage after she choose him judging by the beauty of his feet.

Njord will die on Ragnarok.

Offerings - Sea shells, model ships, mead, and anything to do with the sea. He is also known to accept gold coins and other aspects of trade.

Hermod - Hermod is the messenger of the gods. He is considered to be heroic for his long and fast paced journey to Helheim where he negotiated terms with Hela over Baldr's death.

Hermod is one of the few gods who have rode Sleipnir. He is known for his epic journeys and hasty messages.

Offerings - Images of horses, scrolls, mead, and carvings of the rune Raido.

Hodr - Hodr is a rather sad and depressing god. He is the god of things darkened and cold, and he's also blind. For such a high and mighty group of warrior-like gods you can imagine the shame of having a blind son among them. It was a sad fate for Hodr honestly.

Hodr only experienced more despair once he was tricked by Loki into throwing a dart of mistletoe into his brother Baldr's chest. Hodr was then killed by the god Vali. The gods did not know that Hodr was innocent. Hodr lives with Baldr and Nanna in Helheim and will return post-Ragnarok.

Offerings - Ice and snow. Gloomy and dark crafts. Mead (be wary of mistletoe)

Ullr - Ullr is the winter hunter god. He is the son of Sif and an un-named frost giant. He is often hinted at being far more important than a simple winter god. Various texts and bits of lore suggest that oaths of the most serious subjects were sworn in Ullr's presence.

Ullr is also said to have replaced Odin at one point when Odin vacated his throne to learn Seidr from Freyja. When Odin returned, he banished Ullr.

Offerings - Results from a hunt is best. Pine, cranberries, and strong ale are good too.

Vali - Vali is the slayer of Hodr. He is also considered to be a god of strong stock. He is the son ofOdin and the giantess Rindr.

Vali is said to survive Ragnarok and be of high regard alongside his brother Vidarr.

Offerings - Arrow heads and spear heads, acts of strength and valor, mead or preferably stronger spirits.

Vidarr - Vidarr is another son of Odin who is considered to be of hearty stock. Vidarr wear's a great boot to protect his foot on Ragnarok. He places his foot in Fenrir's mouth and tears the wolf in half after Fenrir has eaten Odin.

Vidarr goes on to be a significant leader Post-Ragnarok.

Offerings - Boots and depictions of the forest. Mead and strong ale.

Mani - Mani is the son of the giant Mundilfari who named Mani after the newly formed moon. The gods decided that Sol and Mani should be the gods who pull the sun and moon around the earth to create a cycle of night and day.

For all the rest of their days until Ragnarok Mani will fulfill this task.

Offerings - Images of the moon and mild mead. Salt, rain water, and opaque stones are good too.

Kvasir - Kvasir was made after the great Vanic-Aesir war. He was made when the two gods spit into a cup. He is said to be the god of all things inspirational, educational, and poetic.

Kvasir's life was cut short after he was murdered by a group of dwarves who used his blood to create the Mead of Inspiration.

Offerings - Poems, speeches, and mead.

Forseti - Forseti is the god of all things legal. He is the son of Baldr and Nanna. He is often thought to fulfill the same role as Tyr, however, Forseti is a god of rational and legal justice while Tyr is more of an ethics and honor teaching god.

Forseti is attributed to the ancient Frisian code of law.

Offerings - Burning no longer needed legal documents works well. Feats of valor and courage are good as well.

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Re: Norse Divinity
Post # 18

I would like to make note that Svartalfar are likely simply the names of the peoples of Svartalfheim, as they both have respective names: Dokkalfar (dark elves) and Duergar/Dvergar (Dwarves). There is also a distinction between where they live, their lifestyles, and generally what they are like. One can use the Sagas to differentiate the traits between a Duergr and a Dokkalfr, thus understanding what race was meant in the Younger Edda.

Once I am more fully familiar with the Sagas and Eddas, I will be compiling their traits so there is less confusion for those who wish to work with them in the future (this will take time, though).

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Re: Norse Divinity
Post # 19
Would Thor, be considered, Aesir or Vanir?

I'm just getting into Norse Paganism, and found this article/thread, most informative.

~ Never Lost
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Re: Norse Divinity
Post # 20

Primal, Thor is the son of Odin and Jord, making him a member of the Aesir tribe. Also, thank you Me13, I try to supply good information.

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