A small inside into magic

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A small inside into magic
Post # 1
I know that in some of this im wrong,
but im still leaning.

Magic is a science we just don't understand yet. magic has two types of
energy. Universal and your own energy. Your own energy is limited and
can hurt you if you lose to much of it. Universal energy you can absorb
and use at your own will. But if you treat the energy badly, then you will
only be able to use your own energy. The More you practice with magic,
your pool of energy get bigger a little bit more. Start small, try finding
what you do best at magic but still practice other spells. Eventually, your
energy with seem limitless, but the more powerful the spell, and how long
the spell is held for will decrease your energy faster. You can enchant items,
but i'll get more into that in the chapter. In the book I will also get more into
how to properly cast spell and tips on each spell.
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Re: A small inside into magic
Post # 2
Sorry. ingnor the last 2 lines. :)
Im writing a book on magic.(Beginners guide)
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Re: A small inside into magic
Post # 3
And also in to the elemental part.

The 4 elements are not something to be meddled with. These spells can harm
(Like most spells) and do great damage.(Like most spells) The 4 elements
as you might already know are Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Fire representing
Light or harm, can be a friend or foe. Like most spells, use fire at your own risk.
Water, representing flow of energy or emotion, power and destruction,
once again can be friend or foe. Earth representing solidarity and roughness,
can also be soft and secure. Yet hard. Air representing movement and speed,
can be harmful if there is to much. YOU CAN'T CONTROL THE ELEMENTS!
Only work with them. You can call on the spirits to help you with working with
the element. But you can never control them.
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Re: A small inside into magic
Post # 4
I think it's interesting that you are using what everyone else has told you when answering your questions to create this beginner's guide. This information is already on the site in the featured articles section and in the forums.
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Re: A small inside into magic
Post # 5
Ya. I know. But I
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Re: A small inside into magic
Post # 6
I try. But the books
for my friends who what to start. And
don't use the website. I know this stuff
is on the site. but thank you.
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