Help, please

CovenSpell Casters ► Help, please
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Help, please
Post # 1
Hi, I'm new here. I have been trying to cast small spells and I don't think they've been working. The last time I was seriously into this was in high school. Now, I am in dire need of a bigger, more important spell to work and I'm worried it may not because I'm still a beginner. Is there anyone here that can cast spells for others? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Help, please
By: / Novice
Post # 2
some spells don't work, keep that in mind.

you need to charge energy, visualize your desired outcome, and focus only on the task at hand. these are the most important things for a spell to work. you also have moon phases, certain times are better for spells, but as long as you charge enough energy, and focus only on the outcome, the spell should work.

if it keeps failing, you might be casting a non-working spell [transformation] you didn't put forth any effort to achieve your goal [cast a spell for good grades yet didn't study] or what you want isn't meant to be.
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Re: Help, please
Post # 3
The problem is that I am new to this and feel I may not be on the spell casting level yet :(
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Re: Help, please
By: / Novice
Post # 4
in that case, work on meditation, charging/grounding energy, and visualization. that's very important to spell casting. you should also know how to cast a circle, it's very important. other than that, you should learn about moon phases, colours, and some basic herbs and crystals.

just type whatever you need help with into the search engine found in the upper right corner, you'll be linked to articles helping you with these things.

what would be really helpful is if you could get your hands on a beginners guide, either by Raymond Buckland or Scott Cunningham.
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