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Post # 1
How do I know if a love spell works?
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By: / Novice
Post # 2
depends on what you cast. if you cast over anther, the person will act nicer to you, perhaps even ask you out depending on how well you cast.

if you cast for love to enter your life, you should meet someone that is compatible with you, and you might like them, or they ask you out.
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Post # 3
I agree with Nekoshema. But don't use magic
to have somebody love you. It's just not right.
Thats messing with the will of the univers(unless it
is the will of the univers.) Use Love spells only as a
last resort and to not make sombody love you or to
ask you out. please.
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By: / Novice
Post # 4
good point, most love spells go against someones free will. a spell to make your crush ask you out is an example. these are also very hard to cast, you need to be stronger than them spiritually, and even if you're able to overpower them, they'll be subconsciously fighting back, so you'll need to recast often. also, casting over another brings negative karma, how much depends though, just keep the three fold law in mind before casting anything.

a spell to attract love into your life, but not a specific being, that's different. you're not casting over someone, you're asking the universe [deities] to bring someone special into your life you would of met eventually. the person is then guided by the universe to enter your life. example, they decide to stop in at a new coffee shop on a whim, and you happen to be in line.

with both, however, you need to put forth some effort. if you cast over another, you need to talk to them. if you cast to bring someone new into your life, you should try to socialize. if your friends are going out one night, join them, if you see a free seat at lunch with a bunch of people, say hi and ask to join them. little things like that.
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