
CovenSpell Casters ► how??
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Post # 1
guy, i love to have some spell so i can heal me my self or other people that have minor injured. i have learn some spell from the pages but it unwork. how to practice they in the effactive way? pro caster help me...
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Re: how??
By: / Novice
Post # 2
did you charge enough energy? that's usually the problem when it comes to healing. healings can be done at any time, but it would probably work better if the healing took place during the waning moon since you're taking away the ailment. but it's not too necessary.

for little injuries a green candle is really all you need, maybe a band-aid and some hydrogen peroxide if it's a scraped knee. take the candle, sit and visualize/feel energy entering your body, traveling down your arms and pooling in the candle [or whatever item used in the spell] light it and visualize the person being healed. let the candle burn out, if you wish to repeat the spell over so many nights, snuff out the flame, don't blow it out, it's believed to undo the spell.

if you're wanting to heal by saying a chant, or putting your hands over the wound/on the person. same thing as with the candle, feel/visualize the energy entering your body, surrounding your hands [or make a ball of green energy] then place your hands on or slightly above the person or wound. feel the energy entering and healing them while visualizing a healing glow of energy around the area. green is considered to be healing but you can visualize whatever colour you want, as long as you feel the energy and concentrate on healing the person.
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