new,need help young one

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new,need help young one
Post # 1
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Re: new,need help young one
Post # 2
First off, turn off caps lock. It makes people not want to take you seriously.

Secondly, try meditating in a different way, perhaps just sitting andd letting your mine go blank. And take it seriously, don't rush through it.

Have you actually looked at the spell to see if it seemed real? I mean some spells are obviously fake, like grow wings spells, vampire spells, wolf spells etc. Those are obviously fake spells as it is impossible to change your species or ad apendages to your body.

If you are using a real spell, like, lets say a love spell, have you read up on the spells ingrediants making sure that they do what you want. Have you made sure you know the spells true intentions? Did you cast it correctly? etc

My advice to you would be to find a simple spell, and research the elements of it (To make sure they're all logical and related to the topic of the spell). Then cast your circle, pray to whatever deities you believe in and cast the spell itself.

Not all spells work for everyone so be aware that you may not see results right away IF you see them at all.
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Re: new,need help young one
By: / Novice
Post # 3
MinervaJane makes total sense.

keep trying to meditate, it can be difficult for people, especially starting out, but over time you'll get the hang of it. every couple days, try something new until you find something that works. incense, music, lying down, siting in a chair, on the floor, crossed legs, straight legs, in darkness, in sunlight, in the morning, at night, there's many different things you can try.

als, since you're new to spells, start with something simple, like candle magick. take a candle of a corresponding colour to what you want [yellow=friendship green=luck] sit holding the candle, feel/visualize energy entering you, flowing down your arms and pooling in the candle. when ready, place the candle on your altar and light it, all the while visualizing your outcome. if you want to put out the candle, snuff it out, don't blow it out, it's believed the blow away the spell.

another point, moon phases, be sure you're casting at the right time. if you're drawing something towards you [love, wealth, protection] cast it during the waxing moon. [new-full] if you wish to send something away [weight loss, curses, banishing] cast during the waning moon. [full-new] the moons pull can effect spells like it effects the ties, it could be the extra push your spell needs to work.

lastly, work to achieve your goal. a love spell doesn't work if you sit at home watching movies alone. you need to say hi to the cute girl in your class, go out to social events, meet new people and so on. you don't have to go insane, but a little effort will help the spell along.
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Re: new,need help young one
Post # 4
What spell are you trying to do?
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